Mother Nature

by Sandy Bourseau August 1, 2012

Name the season’s first hurricane Zelda and fool
Mother Nature into calling it a year.

– Robert Brault,

Many of us wish we could fool Mother Nature about hurricanes and a few additional weather issues. Here in the Chicago area, we’re experiencing a heat wave with drought conditions. But my dormant, brown lawn and high electric bill are nothing in comparison to what others have experienced, living without power for weeks or even worse, losing their homes to wildfires or floods.

Extreme weather also can be more than an inconvenience to you. It can make doing your job hazardous. The most obvious safety issue is heat exhaustion or heat stroke, but it’s also important to be aware of forecasted high winds, severe rainstorms with lightning, flash flooding or fires.

Remember to secure those ladders or stay off them if high winds, lightning or rain are expected. Don’t enter attics or closed non-air conditioned houses when heat advisories are in effect.

It can’t be said too often: Know and respond to the weather hazards in your area. We hope you develop the safe working habits that can help you weather all that Mother Nature sends your way.




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