Mold Info

by Edited by ASHI Staff April 1, 2003

The EPA has released two publications and a resource guide about mold. Keep your clients informed with these clear, concise publications.

“A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home”
This Guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth. Molds can gradually destroy the things they grow on. You can prevent damage to your home and furnishings, save money, and avoid potential health problems by controlling moisture and eliminating mold growth. (Publication code: EPA 402-K-02-003)

“Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings”
Concern about indoor exposure to mold has been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions. This document presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators. It has been designed primarily for building managers, custodians, and others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance. It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. Using this document, individuals with little or no experience with mold remediation should be able to make a reasonable judgment as to whether the situation can be handled in-house. It will help those in charge of maintenance to evaluate an in-house remediation plan or a remediation plan submitted by an outside contractor. Contractors and other professionals who respond to mold and moisture situations in commercial buildings and schools may also want to refer to these guidelines. (Product code: EPA 402-K-01-001)

“Mold Resources”
This file starts with an Introduction to Molds and follows with Basic Mold Cleanup.
It covers
asthma and mold, flooding and contains links to related topics. It is best viewed online.

All these publications are available online or as PDF files. Go to“A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home” and “Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings” are also available in print. To order contact Indoor Air Quality Publications.
IAQ Info
P.O. Box 37133
Washington, DC
Call 800-438-4318 or
Fax 703-356-5386

ICC offers codes online

The International Code Council (ICC) has launched its eCodes® Online Subscription Service, making access to the latest building and safety codes easier than ever.

Subscribers to the new service may download an array of codes in Adobe eBook Reader format onto a desktop or laptop computer. After downloading, they may search quickly throughout the complete code, highlight passages, make annotations and create bookmarks. Subscriptions vary in duration and price, and provide users with 24-hour-a-day access to codes including the following:

• International Building Code

• International Residential Code

• International Fire Code

• International Plumbing Code

• International Mechanical Code

• International Fuel Gas Code

• International Energy
Conservation Code

• International Private Sewage Code

• International Property Maintenance Code

• International Zoning Code

• Florida Building Code (Building, Fuel Gas, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Test Protocols)

• New York State Code (Building, Residential, Fire, Plumbing, Mechanical, Energy Conservation, Fuel Gas, and Property Maintenance)

• North Carolina Building Code

Code users can visit for complete subscription information, updates on the latest code additions, and free downloads of related documents. For more information call 205-591-1853, ext. 268.


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