Membership Tops 6,600

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2003

ASHI continues to attract those who are interested in home inspection as a profession. With Membership at an all time high, the Society continues to work on behalf of its Membership to enhance public opinion, to increase respect in the estate community, and to influence government.  

Drop date nears

Members and Candidates who have not paid their dues will soon be dropped from the membership roles, forfeiting benefits such as this magazine. It is still possible to renew online. Visit the Members Only section of When you log on, you’ll be offered the option to pay online. Don’t get left behind. Renew today.

All who were on administrative suspension for failure to report MRCs from last year were expelled as of October 1, 2003.  

Members called on to vote for officers

Stating committee members were pleased with the quality of all the nominees, the Officer Nominating Committee announced the following slate for 2004.

President-Elect, Donald Norman
Vice President, Joseph Corsetto
Treasurer, Keith Ruehl
Secretary, Robert Gwaltney

Members will receive information about these nominees and about any petitioners by mail and on the Web site, and they will be able to vote online this month. The deadline for receiving petitions at HQ was October 21, 2003, after this magazine had already gone to press.

The Officer Ballot with the slate and any petition candidates was sent via electronic or paper to the voting Members on October 31, 2003.

According to the ASHI Policies, the following rules apply to campaigning:

a. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is permissible, as long as no ASHI assets are used.
b. Staff, Nominating Committee and Election Committee Members shall not participate in campaigning.  
c. Candidates may purchase mailing labels or lists from Headquarters.  
d. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted.

Campaign statements or materials should be previewed by the Election Committee in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their contents.

Council Representatives called on to vote for directors

Directors for ASHI’s Board are chosen from the Council of Representatives, and the Representatives vote by paper ballot. The Director Nominating Committee presented the following slate for 2004.

Leon Costanten  
Dan DeStefano
Bill Jacques
Tom Lauhon
Don Nelson
Alden Gibson, Alternate

The deadline for petitions from candidates asking to be added to the ballot was October 21, 2003 – after the date this publication went to press.

The Directors Ballot was mailed to the COR on October 31, 2003.


According to COR policy the following rules apply to campaigning:

a. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is permissible, as long as no ASHI assets are used.
b. Staff, Nominating Committee and Election Committee Members shall not participate in campaigning.  
c. Candidates may obtain mailing labels or lists from Headquarters.  
d. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted.

Campaign statements or materials should be previewed by the Election Committee in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their contents.

Contact Bob Kociolek at 847-759-2820, with questions.

Why visit your Web site this month?

• Posting of timely documents began in October   

Following through on a suggestion made at the Strategic Planning Task Force meeting in Chicago, quarterly committee progress reports and the preliminary agenda for the Board of Directors meeting were posted in the Members Only document section on the ASHI Web site approximately 10 days prior to the October 2003 ASHI Board of Directors Meeting.  

• ASHI Experience activities updated regularly

Regular updates as well as background material is posted on the official ASHI Experience section of the Web site. Visit often to stay abreast of events and activities.

• Monthly newsletter available online

ASHI’s leadership receives “First Thing,” a monthly newsletter, by
e-mail highlighting recent activities and events. The newsletter is also posted on in the Members Only, Latest News section. If you like your ASHI news in a condensed version, First Thing is for you. Check it out.   

It couldn’t be easier – make all your InspectionWorld arrangements online

Log on to to register for InspectionWorld. And if you haven’t already reserved your hotel room, do so at the same site. Come live the ASHI Experience  January 15-17, 2004 in Albuquerque, NM.

Call for Volunteers

ASHI’s Board of Directors relies on its committees to research, investigate and do the work of the organization. Volunteers who serve on these committees are the Society’s greatest asset. Last month the annual Call for Volunteers went out.  If you believe you have something to offer your organization, fill out and return the form to HQ. In December committee chairs will use this information to choose committee members. Current committee members must submit a form if they would like to serve again.

The forms are also used to find volunteers for special projects that come up during the year.   

ASHI calendar of events

• November 17, 2003, Deadline for commenting on latest proposed version of Code
of Ethics

• January 13, 2004, COR meeting, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Albuquerque, N.M.(tentative)

• January 14, 2004, Board of Directors meeting Albuquerque, N.M.,

• January 15-17, 2004 InspectionWorld, Albuquerque, N.M

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