Membership tops 6,000
As of July 19, 2005
Members: 3,421
Candidates with Logo Use: 180
Candidates: 2,153
Retired Members: 72
Affiliate Members: 85
Administrative Suspension: 100*
*Attention chapter presidents: These are Members and Candidates who have not submitted MRC Claim Forms or have not complied with our repeated requests for proof of Membership Renewal Credits as a result of the Annual MRC Audit. If you know of someone on administrative suspension, please encourage that person to quickly comply with the reporting requirement. Unfortunately, those who are not able to provide proof of MRCs will have their membership terminated.
Members have their say about Customer Service Guidelines
More than 700 Members and Candidates w/logo use used their individualized survey links to voice their opinions about The ASHI Experience Customer Service Guidelines. The links were sent to all Members and C2s with valid addresses on record with HQ. Current guidelines are published in The ASHI Experience Handbook, which came with the Tool Kit, and on the Web site in the ASHI Experience section. The Standards of Practice Committee used the results of the survey to help shape a recommendation presented to the ASHI Board of Directors at its July meeting on whether or not to change the published guidelines. The Board’s decision will be reported next month.
Business Operations Study offer
The survey questionnaire for the 2005 Home Inspection Business Operations Study, 2005 Edition, was distributed to thousands of home inspectors across the country and Canada. ASHI appreciates the following companies that partnered with us, making it possible for this comprehensive study to be conducted: 3D Inspection Systems, HORIZON by Carson Dunlop, HomeGauge and Pillar to Post. The full reports will be available in September and may be purchased now. For more information on the survey, contact Anthony Snyder, ASHI’s director of membership & marketing, at
Standards of Practice now available in Spanish
Fred Herndon, Durham, N.C., e-mailed his thanks for the PDF of the Standards of Practice that came with the June issue of The Inspector. He said he would put it to immediate use at his monthly seminars for first-time Hispanic homebuyers. The document will soon be available in bulk from the ASHI store and in html on the Web site. Until then, you’re invited to download a copy. Go to, log in as a member and go to
Proud and practical
When the annual dues notices and MRC claim forms arrive in mailboxes this month, many will quickly renew their membership and document their educational experiences because they are proud to be affiliated with an organization that has stringent membership requirements and that helps bring customers to their door. Please review the list of membership benefits that comes with your dues notice and be prepared to file your MRC claim forms when the notices arrive. ASHI values your membership and hopes to continue to serve you for another year.
Volunteers needed
From October 28-31, 2005, ASHI will be participating in the National Association of Realtors® Conference and Trade Show in San Francisco. Based upon last year’s success of the expanded ASHI booth, we will again be going large for this year’s event and, in order to sufficiently staff the booth, we will be seeking volunteers from our northern California chapters. Look for a more formal request coming soon; however, in the meantime, if you are interested in participating, you may contact Angela Orlando at
ASHI holds the line on advertising rates for 2005-06
ASHI’s new rate card and insertion order for advertising in the ASHI Reporter and were mailed to current advertisers. To download the information, visit Media & Publicity at the bottom of the homepage. To receive it by e-mail, send your request to
The rates for the new fiscal year remain the same as for last year. Chapters are encouraged to reserve Reporter ad space now for seminars later in the fiscal year because advertising space is limited and many issues sell out months ahead of publication.
Chapters: Use form to get funding
To receive ASHI Experience funding for your chapter, share your plan to deliver more business to your members by using the Chapter Grant Approval form. That’s all it takes. Get started now. Download grant instructions and form from the ASHI Experience Chapter CD section on the ASHI members-only Web site.
If you have questions about funding, contact Bob Kociolek, 847-954-3177 or
The Inspector — e-news for ASHI membership
If you missed the first several issues of The Inspector, ASHI’s e-mail news with editions for Members and for Candidates, you probably don’t have an up-to-date e-mail address on file with HQ. To update your contact information and receive your e-news, log in to the membership only section of, click Membership Profile and update your information. You’ll receive the next issue of The Inspector.
Countdown to conference
InspectionWorld 2006 is just over six months away, and plans are under way to make it the best ever. The 2006 conference will kick off with the Opening Night Exhibit Hall Reception on Wednesday, January 11, and will be followed by three days of intense education beginning bright and early on Thursday, January 12. All activities will take place at the Broward County/Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention Center, which is across the street from two of our three host hotels. Hotel reservations can be made by accessing the secure housing link at
Examination Board seeks director applicants
The Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI) seeks three home inspectors to serve the profession as members of the Board of Directors for a two-year term beginning January 10, 2006. The deadline for applications is August 15, 2005. The application form is available at or by e-mail request to
ASHI calendar of events
• October 20-21, 2005, Chapter Leadership Days, Chicago, Ill.
• October 22, 2005, Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• December 10, 2005, Committee Leadership Workshop, Chicago, Ill. (tentative)
• January 11-14, 2006, InspectionWorld, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.