Membership Numbers Surge as Leaders Reach Out
With ASHI leaders making calls to those who had not yet renewed, a steady stream of renewals and new applications pushed ASH Membership numbers to the following as of 11/30/2004:
3336 Members
2543 Candidates
170 Candidates w/logo use
72 Retired Members
59 Affiliate Members
Although renewal numbers are high—89 percent of Members and Candidates with logo use, and 79 percent for all membership categories—100 percent would be even better. It’s still possible to reach out to those who have not renewed, even though the December 6, 2004, drop date for non-payment of Membership dues has passed.
Annual MRC audit
All those who need to report MRCs this year received a claim form with the dues notice. If you did not receive a form, you do not need to file one. The annual audit of Membership Renewal Credits (MRCs) submissions began in December. The 78 inspectors who owed MRCs from 2002-2003 were expelled October 1, 2004.
COR Speaker election held in Austin
Council Representatives who submitted a Speaker of the COR matrix by December 15, 2004, are included on the ballot to be presented to the Council January 11, 2005, in Austin, Texas. Council representatives have been
provided with copies of the matrices. Candidates for the speaker position must be present at the meeting.
Chapter presidents get PSAs and VNR on DVD
The Public Service Announcements (PSAs) and Video News Release (VNR) distributed earlier this year to the media are now available on DVD as a tool for chapters to promote The ASHI Experience and ASH Inspectors at meetings, home shows and real estate related events. A DVD was mailed to each chapter president.
The membership is invited to see them on
To date, the PSAs and VNR have aired in 40 states with a potential of 12 million viewers. Additional coverage is anticipated when radio versions of the PSAs are created to be distributed to the media in 2005.
Reasons to visit ASHI central in the exhibit hall at InspectionWorld
- Visit the hands-on display of the new Web tools for ASHI Inspectors to promote their services to consumers, including a text box to describe the inspector’s services, specialties and areas/cities covered.
- Shop in the ASHI store for clothes, literature, all your ASHI marketing materials. Updated ASHI Experience materials are available.
- Learn about additions to The ASHI School of Home Inspection.
Committees wrap up 2004; prepare for 2005
Those who served on ASHI committees in 2004 have received certificates of appreciation for their service to the Society.
Committee chairs for 2005 have selected committee members from those who submitted volunteer forms. Once again, ASHI was in the enviable position of receiving more offers to volunteer than there were openings. The names of those who volunteered, but were not asked to serve on a committee this year, will be held in case there is a need for more volunteers during the year.
On December 4, 2004, committee chairs and other leaders met in Chicago to review and revise the committee work plans for the new year. Chairs and board liaisons for 2005 are as follows:
- ASHI Membership Forum – John Ghent
- Bylaws – John Geiger/Jim Lee
- Chapter Relations – Ron Rusch/Charles Gifford
- Code of Ethics – Keith Oberg/Bryck Guibor
- Complaints (Logo Use) – Howard Pegelow/Vice President
- Complaints (Ethics) – Miki Mertz/Vice President
- Conference Planning – President Elect and Vice President
- Education – TBA/Brion Grant
- Elections Committee – Anthony Galeota
- Executive Director Evaluation – Steve Gladstone
- Finance – Treasurer
- Legislative – Andrew Kasznay (State Affairs) and President-Elect (Federal Affairs)
- Membership – Scott Patterson/Tim Stull
- Officer Nominating Committee – Steve Gladstone
- Director Nominating Committee Chair is selected by the COR
- Public Relations – Frank Libero/Jim Rooney
- Standards – JD Grewell/Leon Costanten
- Survey – Michael Conley/Jay Balin
- Technical – John Cranor/Don Nelson
Has your chapter applied?
Fifty-two chapters have been approved for $169,200 in grant funds. Has your chapter applied?
The ASHI Experience Chapter Grant Approval Forms can be found in “The ASHI Experience Chapter Funding & Activities Guidebook.” The Guidebook is included on the chapter CD sent to chapter leaders and on the ASHI Web site. Chapters that have not filed a form are missing out. Fax, mail or e-mail your form and get your funding! Questions? Ask Bob Kociolek, 847-954-3177,
Annual Chapter Report is overdue
All chapters are required to submit an annual report. The report forms were
e-mailed to chapter presidents, and the deadline for filing the report was November 30, 2004. A synopsis of the filed report will be published in the Reporter this spring.
ASHI calendar of events
- January 11, 2005, Council of Representatives meeting, Austin, Texas
- January 12, 2005, Board meeting, Austin, Texas
- January 13-15, 2005, InspectionWorld, Austin, Texas
- April 15-16, 2005, Board orientation and meeting, Chicago, Ill.
- July 15-16, 2005, ASH Town Hall Gathering and Board meeting , St. Louis, Mo.
- October 21-22, 2005, Chapter Leadership Day and Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.