Members Vote on ASHI Bylaw Changes

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2007

Ballots with several amendments to ASHI bylaws were distributed to voting Members on December 11, 2006. Most Members received an e-mail with a personal link to their ballot. Voting Members who do not have an e-mail address on file at HQ were sent a paper ballot. All ballots returned by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 28, 2007, were counted. Results will be published in the February Inspector e-newsletters and in the March issue of the Reporter.

The bylaw changes were proposed by ASHI Committees and the Council of Representatives. The changes were approved by the Board to be referred to the Bylaws Committee as proposed Bylaw amendments. The following four amendments appeared on the ballot, each to be approved or rejected by voting Members.

1) Avoiding the possibility or appearance of a conflict of interest

Modify Section 2.1.2

If accepted, the revision to the bylaw covering repairing conditions found during an inspection would make the language consistent with the Code of Ethics Section 1. F., which was adopted in 2003.   

2) Changing membership category names

Modify 2.2 and 2.3

The Membership Committee proposed changing the categories from Member to ASHI Certified Inspector, from Candidate to ASHI Associate, and to create a new category called ASHI Associate with Logo Use.

The board and the task force believe the new names are more positive and empowering for all the categories involved. They believe the changes will lead to increased membership in all categories. The rights, privileges and requirements for each class of membership will remain the same and will continue to be determined by the board.

Earlier each category change was presented as an individual amendment, but now voting Members will approve or disapprove one amendment covering all the name changes.  

3) Creating an additional membership category: Allied Professionals

Add Section 2.3.4

ASHI’s Membership Committee has requested and the Board of Directors has approved the creation of an additional membership category to accommodate individuals engaged in fields related to home inspection such as architects, engineers, contractors, code officials, etc.

If approved, this will be a non-voting membership category as is the existing Affiliate category. As with all membership categories, the rights, privileges and dues for this new category will be determined by the Board as a Policy.

4) Adding to and changing Election of Directors to the Board

Modify Section 5.5

At its meeting in January 2006 in Fort Lauderdale, the Council of Representatives adopted an amendment to the bylaws whereby an alternate director would not have to maintain his or her council seat to be eligible for the next election. Another person could assume that seat, thus increasing participation in the council and in the governance of ASHI.

The council also recommended striking the words “by the Council” in 5.5.3 to clarify that a nominee can be approved either by the council nomination process or by the “petition” process as per council policy. To view the current ASHI Bylaws and Policies and Procedures, click here.

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