Members Making News

by Sandy Bourseau January 1, 2002

ASHI Member Dean Uhler uses his regular column “Inspector’s Edge” to answer the public’s questions about home inspection. He identifies himself as a Member of ASHI in the column.

Jim Rooney’s article, “Inspectors play key role in buying a house,” appeared in the “Capital-Gazette 2001 Guide Book,” which was distributed by four Washington D.C./Baltimore/Annapolis area newspapers and local real estate agents. ASHI received prominent billing.

Ken Goewy, Heartland chapter president, alerted HQ to three ASHI-related articles that appeared in Home Section of the Minneapolis Star & Tribune October 13, 2001 as a result of the chapter’s public relations efforts.

ASHI Member Norm Clark, Olathe, Kan. was pictured and quoted in The Star article “Hot Jobs, Home inspectors.”

ASHI Member Mike Shelton, Collegeville, Penn., was photographed conducting a home inspection for a Philadelphia Inquirer article “New law will govern home inspections.”

John Ghent, ASHI president, is quoted by Lew Sichelman in the electronic newsletter FINANCIALwire.

ASHI Members Jack Fehlandt and Dave Flaskramp were re-appointed to Membership chair and Treasurer of the Great Lakes chapter, according to a report in the Chamber Corner of The Streamwood Examiner, a Chicago suburban

Establishing a relationship with the local press and broadcasters can pay off. Something as simple as announcing a new member or chapter event or as complex as educating the public on new legislation provides an opportunity for publicity. Let HQ know when you succeed.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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