Members, Candidates and More

by Edited by ASHI Staff February 1, 2003

For the most part ASHI is an organization of Candidates (with and without logo use) and Members, but there are other categories of Membership, including the following:

  • Affiliate,
  • Charter (57 original members),
  • Lifetime (8 from past promotions),
  • Past President
  • Retired, and
  • Friends (category defined by Bylaws as by invitation of the Board of Directors, none currently)

The affiliate is probably the least understood of the membership categories. It was created for providers of home inspection-related products and services, in recognition of their integral role in the growth of the industry. Those with an affinity for the Society are able to support it through this category of membership – annual dues are $630.

With membership comes the invitation to network via the Membership Discussion Boards and on a private “Affiliates” dis-cussion board on ASHI’s Internet Web site,, and to access other home inspection resources on the Member’s Only section of the site. Dues also cover a subscription to the ASHI Reporter, and entitle the Affiliate to Member or reduced rates for InspectionWorld exhibit booths, ASHI publications and events, advertising in publications and on the Web-site, and MRC approval for education courses.

A special logo is available to signify Affiliate status. Use of the ASHI Member logo is prohibited. Currently there are 60 affiliates, with more to come as others learn about the benefits of being identified with ASHI.

ASHI calendar of events

• April 11-12, 2003, Board of Directors orientation and meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• July 18-20, 2003
Town Hall gathering and Board of Directors meeting Washington D.C., • October 24-25, 2003
Chapter Leadership Day and Board of Directors meeting Chicago, Ill.,
• January 14, 2004, Board of Directors meeting, Albuquerque, N.M.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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