Members Approve Change to Bylaws
With voting Members favoring the recommended change at a rate of 6 to 1, the conflict of interest section of the bylaws has been amended (Article 2: Membership, Subsection 2.1.1, b.).
According to Jim Rooney, Bylaws Committee chair, the committee brought the matter to the Board after receiving numerous requests to remove the constraint regarding recommending repair work businesses or individuals. It was regarded as a “restriction of service,” he said.
With the knowledge that the ASHI Code of Ethics addresses any misuse of what can be in the best interest of the customer, the Board of Directors presented the question to the Members, who have now approved removing the restriction to “recommend individual or businesses for any repair work” from the bylaws.”
The Code of Ethics serves as the guide for those who elect to answer clients’ requests for this type of information.
ASHI Code of Ethics
Honesty, justice, and courtesy form a moral philosophy which, associated with mutual interest among people, constitutes the foundation of ethics. The members should recognize such a standard, not in passive observance, but as a set of dynamic principles guiding their conduct. It is their duty to practice the profession according to this code of ethics.
As the keystone of professional conduct is integrity, the Members will discharge their duties with fidelity to the public, their clients, and with fairness and impartiality to all. They should uphold the honor and dignity of their profession and avoid association with any enterprise of questionable character, or apparent conflict of interest.
1. The Member will express an opinion only when it is based on practical experience and honest conviction.
2. The Member will always act in good faith toward each client.
3. The Member will not disclose any information concerning the results of the inspection without the approval of the clients or their representatives.
4. The Member will not accept compensation, financial or otherwise, from more than one interested party for the same service without the consent of all interested parties.
5. The Member will not accept nor offer commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly, from other parties dealing with their client in connection with work for which the member is responsible.
6. The Member will promptly disclose to his or her client any interest in a business which may affect the client. The member will not allow an interest in any business to affect the quality or the results of their inspection work which they may be called upon to perform. The inspection work may not be used as a vehicle by the inspector to deliberately obtain work in another field.
7. An inspector shall make every effort to uphold, maintain, and improve the professional integrity, reputation, and practice of the home inspection profession. He or she will report all such relevant information, including violations of this Code by other members, to the Association for possible remedial action.
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