Member by Member and PSA by PSA, ASHI Becomes Synonymous With Home Inspection
ASHI Member Clay Ridings, Preferred Inspections Inc., Arden, Del., was pictured and quoted by The News Journal ( in the article, “Watching the inspectors: Ties between home inspectors and Realtors® raises questions of objectivity.” According to the article, the founder of the Delaware chapter of ASHI, “says he doesn’t pay any real estate companies to advertise on their sites. The notion runs counter to the ethics code of the national association…he honors the standards set out in the code.” ASHI President Steve Gladstone also contributed to the article.
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published “The home inspection: Perception versus reality,” an article written by ASHI Member Mark Oldroyd, A Realty Check, Wildwood, Mo. It concluded with the suggestion to visit and
ASHI Director Jim Rooney, Freestate Home Inspections, Annapolis, Md., shared a copy of the August/September issue of Inside Annapolis. He pointed out that the article, “The Home Inspection,” instructed readers as follows:
“One last word of advice: When looking for a home inspector, ask for their credentials and make sure that they are a member of the American Society of Home Inspections (ASHI). ASHI is the leader in accrediting inspectors and ensuring that they adhere to a national standard of practice.”
Jeffrey C. May, ASHI Member and co-author of My House is Killing Me! and The Mold Survival Guide, got in a plug for the Society in the Business Week article, “Is Your House Sick?” The article appeared in both the magazine and on the Web site.
PSA numbers double in one week
In just one week, the number of stations broadcasting ASHI’s public service announcements (PSAs) doubled. From 12 stations the last week of July to 22 stations during the first week of August, the increase drove audience impressions from roughly 81,000 in the last week of July to nearly 420,000 the first week of August.
And that’s just the beginning. ASHI’s public relations consultant reports that WestGlen, producer of “Health & Home Report,” has placed the ASHI PSA for airing on stations that run that program. The audience is more then 10 million (55 stations nationwide).
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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