Meet Your Newly Elected ASHI Leaders for 2018

by ASHI Staff January 5, 2018

Officers Who Will Lead ASHI in 2018
The President-elect automatically becomes the President. 
The winners will be installed at the IW 2018 Board Meeting in Orlando, Florida, and will serve immediately afterward.

Candidates Identified Issues in Matrices
Officer and director candidates for 2018 were asked what they considered to be the two most pressing problems ASHI would be facing in the next 12 months. The comments shared here were taken from their answers to this question in the matrices they submitted to be considered by voting members for their respective offices. Links to all the matrices can be found in this section of the January 2018 issue at


Our mission statement says we provide our members with education and value. Given that, for 2018, I have four primary goals to get our members more business and strengthen our chapters.

First, establish a relationship with the National Association of Realtors® because we do need referrals from them. Second, engage our public relations committee and our marketing firm, Public Communications, Inc. (PCI), to educate Realtors® and consumers about ASHI. Also, explore other avenues that will generate more income for members. Third, continue working with The ASHI School to develop more classes that create ancillary services.

Fourth, the Leadership Training Conference (LTC) will go back to the basics by having workshops teaching chapter leaders how to put on an education seminar, use social media and websites, increase membership and much, much more, along with hearing from an inspirational speaker. We are thinking “out of the box” for this one, including scheduling visits of Officers and Directors to chapter meetings to allow for one-on-one direct contact with members.

Bottom line…by getting you more business and strengthening chapters, 2018 will be another great year for ASHI.

Membership Highlights

  • 2017, President-Elect, ASHI National
  • 2012-2015, Director, ASHI National
  • 2013, Director, ASHI Education Inc.
  • 2013, Board Liaison Membership Committee
  • 2013, Board Liaison Finance Committee
  • 2013, Member Strategic Planning Committee
  • 2010-2011, Member, Council of Representatives
  • 2011, Instructor, The ASHI School
  • 2009-2011, President, Ohio Chapter
  • 2015-2016, Treasurer


With the large increase in our membership over the past 18 months, we need to help improve the success of our new members and existing members, and to increase ASHI’s presence in the marketplace so that consumers and those in need of a quality inspection will ask for an ASHI Inspector. This can be fostered by ASHI having more of a physical presence at various real estate industry trade shows and events across the country.

I work well with others, and I feel I have earned the respect of everyone with whom I have served over my entire volunteer career with ASHI. I strive to be a team player, to listen and to learn from others. My listening skills and logical thinking have proven over and over to be a benefit in my personal and professional life. Having served as the ASHI Secretary and as the ASHI Vice President, I have learned a great deal of the internal and financial operations of the ASHI organization.

Membership Highlights

  • 1996, joined ASHI
  • 2001-2003, Education Committee Member and Chair
  • 2003-2005, Mississippi ASHI Chapter President
  • 2005-2007, 2011-2012, Membership Committee Chair
  • 2008-2017, Mid-Tennessee, ASHI Director
  • 2011-2012, ACI Certification Committee
  • 2013-2015, ASHI Board of Directors
  • 2014-2015, ASHI Certification Committee, Board Liaison
  • 2015-2017, ASHI Education Inc. Board Director
  • 2016, ASHI Board of Directors Secretary
  • 2017, ASHI Board of Directors Vice President


One of the main issues in front of ASHI is finding a way to engage with a higher percentage of active members. We still have a high number of paid members not affiliated with a chapter or active with ASHI in any other way. I feel these members are missing out on some of the great benefits of membership, and ASHI is missing out on the talents and experience these valuable members could contribute. This untapped source of talent also could help address another significant issue ASHI is facing, which is the development of qualified new leaders and an improved long-term leadership development plan. 

We are in a unique position to set the foundation for growth by attracting, engaging and retaining quality individuals to ASHI. We are an aging association looking at significant leadership retention issues unless we can engage current members and attract youth into our ranks. Promoting the inspection profession and ASHI to attract young, talented and dedicated individuals will be a critical driver to the association’s long-term success.

Membership Highlights

  • 1999, joined ASHI
  • 2003-2004, INASHI Membership Chair
  • 2003-2004, INASHI Board of Directors
  • 2012-2013, ASHI CoR Group Leader
  • 2013, GLC Board of Directors
  • 2014-2016, ASHI Board Director
  • 2016, Ethics Committee Liaison
  • 2017, Graphics Department Board Liaison 
  • 2017, Legislative Committee Board Liaison
  • 2017, ASHI Board of Directors Secretary

Mentoring is a potential significant differentiator between ASHI and other inspector organizations. A program of remote men
toring should be considered and established at chapters that wish to participate, and at the national level to accommodate members who are not in a participating chapter. Remote mentoring could get more experienced inspectors involved by removing the “training my competitor” issue.

Probably the most important ROI opportunity ASHI can provide is the potential for inspections through the ASHI website. There is a lot of good content on our website. Consideration should be given to making this content more easily searchable so that our website comes up higher and more often in searches. We appear to be heading in this direction, and we should continue and expand this opportunity.

Membership Highlights

  • 2003, joined ASHI
  • 2004-2006, Technical Committee Member
  • 2006-2009, Standards Committee Member
  • 2009-2015, Standards Committee Chair
  • 2014, CoR Representative of NC ASHI
  • 2015-Present, NC ASHI Vice President
  • 2015-2018, ASHI Board Director
  • 2017, President’s Award Recipient

Increasing non-dues revenue without added burden to the membership. Increasing more significant benefits for the membership, while reaching out to non-affiliated home inspectors.

As a previous Board member and alternate member serving actively, I have studied ASHI governance and the issues ASHI is currently facing. I feel I can bring opportunities to the table, as well as resolutions to issues that the membership faces. My conduct and voting record are something I can be proud of and stand by. All, I feel, were the result of doing what was best for the organization to the best of my abilities.

Membership Highlights

  • 1992, joined ASHI
  • 1995-1998, SW FL Chapter Officer
  • 1998-2001, 2017, SW FL Chapter President
  • 2001-2004, 2001, 2017, ASHI Board Director and Alternate
  • 2002-2016, SW FL Board of Directors Advisory
  • 2004, Survey Review Committee Chair
  • 2004-2010, 2012-2016, CoR SW FL Representative
  • 2005, Membership Survey Committee Chair
  • 2009, Technical Review Committee Chair
  • 2010-2017, ASHI School Instructor

Council Elects New Directors
Four new Directors and one Alternate will take their seats at the April Board meeting.
The Council of Representatives elected four new ASHI Directors and one Alternate. The introductions on this page are excerpts from the matrices submitted by candidates for the three-year terms. Links to the candidates’ full matrices are available via the online January 2018 ASHI Reporter,


I’m a second-generation inspector and ASHI member who falls under the category of GenX. I can relate to both the baby boomer generation and the millennial generation. With help from other great ASHI members, I created a “Young ASHI Professionals Group.” We are beginning to make progress in new ideas that may very well shape the future of our awesome association. I like to surround myself with people whom I feel are better than me and have more knowledge than me in certain areas. I feel as though if I surround myself with great people, better ideas and action will follow.

I know how to work with others and encourage camaraderie to maintain cohesiveness within a group. I have seen what happens when Board members do not get along and how that can drastically compromise progress for the good of the Society. I have no ego to bruise and I can accept decisions of the majority. Because of my involvement with the online forums and groups, I have a strong sense of what ideas can truly benefit the members. We’re doing better at showing members what they get in return for their dues, but we can’t let our guard down on this. So far, members are not fully realizing what is available to them.

We need to show non-ASHI inspectors why they need to be part of our society. We need to stop worrying about our competition and engage outside inspectors who attend these events by proving to them how networking and educational programs can benefit them and their businesses. Most of these inspectors have survived the economy during the last couple of years, which already shows that these are successful people. Most of the time, successful people, when given the chance, would like to be associated with other successful people. 

Integrating younger inspectors into ASHI and ASHI Leadership. Incorporating technology. Blending the desire to make ASHI a welcoming and inviting place for prospective members, while at the same time not sacrificing the standards that make it attractive and respected. Chapters and national have a disconnect. We need to fix that. Is this a structural issue? That needs to be explored. Unaffiliated members are on the periphery with regard to the entire ASHI chapter experience; we have disparate solutions and ideas, but no real over arching strategies for improving this holistically.

I am a negotiator with an open mind. I want to understand the issues that are to be brought before the Board before they are presented to the Board, listen to all the opinions and make a decision based on only the information present, with no personal bias from history or hearsay. I have no tolerance for members who talk to hear their own voice, adding nothing to the discussion. The Board should be doing more strategic work and less wordsmithing of motions coming out of a committee. I only want what is best for the association.

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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