Meet the ASHI Directors for 2002

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2002

Based on the Council of Representative’s vote, the new 2002 ASHI Directors will be   David Whittle, David Tamny, Brian Murphy, Thomas Murley, and James Dunsing. The Board Alternate is Jim Rooney.

David Whittle
Coast Home Inspections, Inc.
Little Silver, NJ

ASHI Member since 1987

• Served as President, Vice President and on the Board of Directors for Garden State Chapter
• Chaired Garden State Chapter’s Membership and Public Relations Committees
• Council of Representatives
• Served on ASHI’s Officer Nominating, and Director Nominating Committees and the Logo Use Task Force

“I have been a COR member for the last 6 years, and I have attended all of the annual COR meetings and ASHI National Board meetings. I have also been involved at the Chapter level over the last seven years, and was instrumental in rewriting our Chapter bylaws. 

“Since joining ASHI, I have promoted ASHI as “The Leading Organization” of our profession, and I am constantly promoting the benefits of membership.”

Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:

• Rear Commodore, Shrewsbury Sailing & Yacht Club, 2001
• Board of Governors, Shrewsbury Sailing & Yacht Club 1998-2000, 1994-1996, 1985-1988

David Tamny
Professional Property Inspection Consultants
Columbus, OH

ASHI Member since 1995

• Served as President and Treasurer of the North Central Ohio Chapter
• Served on the Chapter’s Legislative Committee and headed up the Chapter’s Columbus regional meeting group.
• Council of Representatives

“As president of the North Central Ohio Chapter, I have demonstrated my willingness to study ASHI governance and issues and have participated fully at the local level.

“I am a registered architect and have been performing professional home inspections on a full-time basis for eight years. I have been actively involved in both the Ohio Chapter and the North Central Ohio ASHI Chapter for the last five years.
“I have been interested in promoting the level of professionalism in the home inspection industry. I attended local and state Board of Realtor® functions for the purpose of promoting ASHI and the ASHI Standards of Practice and Code of ethics.”

Brian J. Murphy
Murphy Home Inspection
Services, Inc.
Highland Ranch, CO

ASHI Member since 1996

• Served on Rocky Mountain Chapter’s Advertising and Chapter Promotions Committees
• Council of Representatives group leader
•  Served on ASHI’s Education Committee and on EBPHI Test Writing Committee

“I have been receiving Board of Directors packets and agendas since becoming a Council Representative, and I read them and discussed them with others. I attended the past three annual board meetings, and have been an active participant in the COR.

“I am concerned that ASHI maintain its prestige within the homebuying community. The consumer, professional real estate and various state regulatory agencies must view ASHI as the premier provider of home inspection services. To accomplish this, ASHI will need to continue its leadership role in continuing education and training of its members. Just as the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) has grown to a powerful organization, ASHI must also continue its leadership role at the national and state level to assure it becomes the default term when talking about a home inspection.”

Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:

•  Chair of the building committee for new parish center, a $3 million project.
•  Officer of Knights of Columbus Council
•  Past treasurer of investment club

Thomas Murley
Abode Check
Fairfax, VA

ASHI Member since 1995

• Served as President, Vice President and Treasurer for NOVA ASHI
• Chaired Chapter’s Education and Membership Committees
• Council of Representatives

“I have been an officer in NOVA ASHI and have a nearly perfect attendance record during that five-year period. I participated in Chapter Leadership Training and attended InspectionWorld Conferences the last two years. In addition, I volunteered at our state level to help formulate a legislative basis for the licensing of home inspectors in Virginia. I feel that ASHI is the basis for the development of the home inspection profession, and I am honored to help formulate and guide the future development of this organization.

“Throughout my years in ASHI, I have been continually selected to positions of higher leadership within the chapter and encouraged by my peers to volunteer for positions at the state and national ASHI levels.

“I am very concerned that ASHI stay focused on providing service to its membership, and promoting ASHI to the general public.”

Leadership positions for other organizations include the following:
• Virginia Real Estate Inspectors (VAREI) Treasurer (statewide association of home inspectors in Virginia)
•  USMC – Officer
• Chairman of Trustees, Oakton United Methodist Church
• Aerospace-Liaison with Congress for three companies
• Coordinated Red Cross and United Funds campaigns

James C. Dunsing
Dunsing Consultants, Inc.
Libertyville, IL

ASHI Member since 1990

• Chaired Great Lakes Chapter’s Public Relation and Education Committees
• Council of Representatives    
• Speaker at Great Lakes Chapter conferences   
• Designated ASHI Great Lakes Chapter “Master Inspector”
• Member Northern Illinois Chapter
• Chaired ASHI Facilities Committee

“I’ve personally inspected more than 6,000 residences and commercial buildings since 1988, and I’m a licensed home inspector in the state of Wisconsin, and certified by the Exterior Design Institute (EDI). 

“I have been an ASHI Candidate since I began performing home inspections in 1988. My father, who founded our company in 1980, was also an ASHI Member. I believe this is an important part of being a professional home inspector. I regularly attend Chapter meetings and educational seminars. I participated in four Special Candidate Panels (SCP), hearing appeals from Candidates that have been reprimanded by the Complaints Committee.

“I’ve associated with many inspectors from my local area and throughout the country. We’ve discussed licensing activity, logo use and more. Although I oppose licensing of inspectors, it has been signed into law. Therefore, I submitted my name as an applicant for Illinois’ Advisory Board of Home Inspectors in Illinois. The group’s responsibilities will include making recommendations about disciplinary matters, standards of practice, technical examinations, and ongoing education requirements, among other things. ”

Leadership positions held in other organizations, include the following:

• Member of the Northwest Association of Realtors®, in suburban Chicagoland
• Membership/Registration Coordinator for Adoptive Families

James F. Rooney

FreeState Inspections
Annapolis, MD
ASHI Member since 1990

• Sat on MAC-ASHI’s board of directors
• Council of Representatives
• Chaired ASHI’s Bylaws Committee

“I work for the betterment of home inspecting as an industry through volunteer efforts for local chapters and the national organization. I answer the call. I write a nationally syndicated newspaper column that deals with questions of the home, and I always promote the virtues ASHI inspectors when I get the chance.”

Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:
•  Member Board of Directors, Home Inspectors of Maryland, Inc.
•  Secretary/Treasurer, Home Inspectors of Maryland, Inc.

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