Meet the 2004 ASHI Officers

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2004

Board of directors  for 2004 elected

The ASHI Officer Nominating Committee, which is representative of the membership through the participation of the Council of Representatives, submitted a slate to Members that it believed to be the best possible person for each position. ASHI policy allows for additional nominees to be placed on the ballot through the petition process, and it allows for write-ins.

The Directors ballot, which was mailed to all who serve on the Council of Representatives, included the slate of five plus a candidate for the alternate nominated by the Director Nominating Committee, and two petition candidates. The Representatives elected the following Directors:  

Jay Z. Balin
Leon M. Costanten
Charles S. Gifford
Brion Grant
Donald A. Nelson
Alden E. Gibson, R.H.I., Alternate

Stephen-Gladstone.gif Stephen Gladstone
ASHI President
Stonehollow, Inc.
Stamford, Conn.

“As my Presidency rapidly approaches, I can’t help thinking how proud I am to be an officer in ASHI at this critical time in the Society’s history. With the debut of The ASHI Experience, our new Strategic Plan, and our New Code of Ethics, I don’t think I could be taking the helm at a more interesting and exciting time. But I don’t kid myself for a minute that any one person can have impact without being part of a larger team. This year I have shared the spotlight with Keith, Joe, Don and Rich, and we have spent hours planning, meeting, debating and worrying about ASHI and the profession. I seriously doubt the average Member would guess the number of volunteer hours or miles flown visiting chapters, attending meetings and seminars, and lobbying on ASHI’s behalf that this group has been asked to do. This team of home inspectors has put their businesses on hold, given time away from their families, and worked hard to make ASHI great, not for themselves but for the Membership. I commend President Matzen and the other Officers for their commitment to the Society.

“This year we get to unveil the new radio spots and print ads for The ASHI Experience, and the toolbox for marketing and other goodies that will help make your businesses grow. I hope that you will take the time this month to help grow your company. Come meet, study and party with us in Albuquerque, and see all the hard work your Board, the Council and the committees have done to make ASHI the best for 2004. It’s not by accident that ‘We speak house!’”

  • ASHI member since 1986
  • Served on Member, Legal, Legislative, Public Relations, Peer Review and Newsletter Committees for Southern Connecticut Chapter
  • Chaired Public Relations Committee and edited newsletter for Southern New England Chapter, 1989-92
  • Southern New England Chapter Director, 1994-95
  • Coastal Connecticut Chapter Founding President, 1999
  • Council Representative, 1995
  • Chaired ASHI CCAC Committee ASHI, 1995-96; Membership Committee, 1998-99; Finance Committee, 1999-01
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors, 1996-02
  • Served as ASHI’s Canadian liaison
  • Served on three ASHI strategic planning task forces, and President’s task force on logo use
  • ASHI Secretary 1998; ASHI Treasurer 1999-2001; ASHI Vice President, 2002; ASHI President Elect, 2003
  • Serves as Vice President and served as President of Belltown Fire Dept. Volunteer Fire Department, and as Deputy Fire Marshal, Stamford, Conn. (ret.)
  • Served on Connecticut Association of Home Inspectors Board of Directors
  • Member Red Cross Disaster Assessment Team and FEMA Disaster Inspector

Don-Norman.gif Don Norman
ASHI President Elect

HouseMaster Home Inspections Service
Inspection Training Associates
St. Louis, Mo.

 “The Membership of the American Society of Home Inspectors has a lot to be proud of. Candidate, Candidate with Logo Use or Full Member, you have chosen to be a part of the largest, most respected home inspection society in the world. I believe The ASHI Experience is the key to the health and continued success of the Society and of you, the Member. The ASHI Experience will move our profession to the forefront of the consumer’s mind with our technical knowledge and exceptional customer service, increasing your bottom-line. It is up to each and every one of us to put forth our best effort in providing The ASHI Experience to our customers and stakeholders. I look forward to 2004 as your President-Elect and will continue to work with the Board of Directors to provide you the best.”

  • ASHI member since 1985
  • St. Louis Chapter President, 1995-96; Vice President, 1994; Secretary, 1992; Treasurer, 1991
  • Council Representative, 1997-98
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors
  • Served on ASHI Officer Nominating Committee, 1999
  • Chaired ASHI Education Committee, 1998; Membership Committee, 1999-00
  • ASHI Secretary, 2001; Treasurer, 2002; Vice President, 2003
  • Participated in the “Body of Knowledge” study for creating the National Home Inspectors Examination (NHIE)
  • Participated in developing ASHI’s home inspector curriculum
  • Participated in strategic planning
  • Served as Charter Director for Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI)
  • Served on the Design and Review Board for the city of Bridgeton, and currently serve on the Board of Adjustment

Joe-Corsetto.gif Joseph F. Corsetto
ASHI Vice President

Shelterworks, Inc.
Dover, N.J.

“The smooth running of ASHI governance lies at the heart of my commitment to serve. I strongly believe that a large group as diversified as ours, can be most productive when we advance as a united group. This requires cooperation, communication and trust from all stakeholders, from Membership, to leadership, to staff. The significant accomplishments of the past were only possible with consensus building and studying the issues.

“ASHI has provided me direction and guidance throughout my home inspection career, from the time when the inspection process was vaguely defined to the current climate defined by laws and regulations. I will continue to pursue information to advance the mission of ASHI. The desire to serve at this level of our association governance is my opportunity to give back for the personal and professional enrichment I’ve received through my involvement with ASHI.”

  • ASHI member since 1984
  • Chaired Garden State Nominating and Legislative Committees
  • Garden State Chapter President, 1994-96; Vice President,
  • 1990-94
  • Council Representative, 1995-96
  • Board of Director Chapter Representative, 1989-94
  • Served on ASHI Officer Nominating Committee, 1995; Finance Committee, 2002; Conference Planning Committee, 2002-03
  • Chaired Chapter Relations/Legislative Committee, 1996-97; Legislative Committee, 1998-00; Legislative Committee (Federal issues), 2001; Finance Committee, 2003
  • Chaired ASHI/CAHI task force, 1966
  • Canadian Association of Home Inspectors
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors, 1997-99
  • ASHI Secretary, 2002; Treasurer, 2003
  • Participated in branding workshop sessions, strategic planning, leadership training workshops, legislative workshop sessions
  • Received ASHI’s National President’s Award, 1996, and ASHI’s Ironman Award, 2000

Keith-Ruehl.gif Keith Ruehl
ASHI Treasurer

US Inspect
Jupiter, Fla.

“I  have a sincere gratitude and respect for the home inspection profession. Over the years I have given much and received much more. It has provided well for my family and me. ASHI is the undisputed leader in the profession. I cannot think of a better way to show my gratitude and continue to grow than to continue to serve as an officer of the organization.”

  • ASHI member since 1994
  • Gulfstream Chapter President 1997-98; Vice President, 1996; Treasurer, 1995
  • Council Representative, 1999-2000
  • Served on ASHI Nominating Committee, 1999; Legislative Committee, 2000
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors, 2001-02
  • ASHI conference speaker, 2002, 2003
  • ASHI Secretary, 2003
  • Served on ASHI strategic planning task force, 2003
  • Actively involved in FABI (Florida Association of Building Inspectors)
  • Developed home inspector designation program for Miami-Dade College and instructed several courses in program
  • Licensed or certified by the state of Florida asresidential contractor, roofing contractor, building inspector, certified pest control operator, radon technician, emergency medical technician, firefighter, real estate salesperson, by SBCCI a building and electrical inspector, and licensed by the states of North Carolina and Virginia for pest control

Frank-Lesh.gif Frank Lesh
ASHI Secretary

Home Sweet Home Inspection Company
Indian Head Park, Ill.

“The good news is that most leaders don’t have a hard time making decisions. If they did, they wouldn’t be leaders, would they? The bad news is that there are leaders who use the power of their position like a hammer. Sometimes a hammer is a good tool. Sometimes it is the wrong tool. Some leaders try to get along with everyone. That’s great if they’re preaching to the choir. Unfortunately, no one can claim ASHI is a choir. So, in my opinion, the kind of leader I will be is one who will really listen to the Membership and then make decisions with the knowledge that some people will agree with me and some people won’t. But my goal is to make the decisions that will be in the best interests of the Society.”

  • ASHI member since 1990
  • Great Lakes Chapter President, 1998-99; Vice President 1996-97; Director 1996-2001
  • Council Representative
  • Selected as Great Lakes Chapter Member of the Year, 1993
  • Served on ASHI strategic planning task force, 2000, 2003; Special Candidate Panel, 2000; ASHI headquarters transition team, 1993
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors, 2001-03

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