Meet the 2004 ASHI Directors

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2004

Jay Z. Balin
Habitat Home Inspection, Inc.
Thiensville, Wisc.

 “This is indeed a wonderful time to be a Member and Director of ASHI. The ASHI Experience opens an exciting new era for our Society. I‘m delighted to be here for the journey and am committed to ensuring its success.

“Also, our new strategic plan calls for greater openness and advocacy at all levels of the Society. I am eager to work towards implementation of that goal. The COR must develop better, more efficient ways to fulfill its several roles as defined in our bylaws. The Board must work with the COR and our various committees to guarantee that leadership makes the best decisions in full awareness of the needs and desires of our full Membership and the Society as a whole.”

  • ASHI member since 1987
  • Served as Great Lakes Chapter President, Director, Education Committee chair and editor of The Laker
  • Received Chapter Member of the Year Award, 1990, 1992; Service Awards, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997; and Candidate of the Year, 1989
  • Council Representative
  • Served on ASHI Chapter Relations Committee
  • Served on the ASHI Board of Directors
  • Received ASHI John Cox Award
  • Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:
  • Founding member of Wisconsin Association of Home Inspectors
  • Participated in drafting of Wisconsin’s home inspection law

Leon M. Costanten
First Choice Home Inspections
Bellingham, Wash.

“I would like to explicitly thank the Director Nominating Committee and my Council peers for their support in selecting me to be on the ASHI Board of Directors. It is my pledge and promise to serve the Society diligently and responsibly as a Director. I shall, however, neither forget nor abandon the ASHI leadership foundation I received as a four-consecutive-year member of the Council of Representatives. In that venue, I shall do my utmost to promote the Council as mandated by the ASHI Bylaws. I am looking forward with great anticipation to helping move our organization forward with transparency, open communications, and promoting The ASHI Experience. As an ASHI Director, I regard the performance and enable that body to serve their mandate as the Voice of the Membership.”

  • ASHI member since 1996
  • Was a founding member of the Mt. Baker Chapter and served as President of the Western Washington and Mt. Baker Chapters
  • Chaired Chapter Legislative, Nominating and Education Committees
  • Council Representative, group leader and participated in policies and procedures workgroup
  • Served on ASHI Officer Nominating Committee
  • Leadership positions held in other organizations include:
  • Certified Washington State Instructor
  • Retired Regular Army Officer

Charles S. Gifford

AmeriSpec of NE Florida
Jacksonville, Fla

“I would like to thank the ASHI Council of Representatives for its
confidence in me. Our future together is challenging as we begin to implement The ASHI Experience, find better ways to communicate internally, and improve the Board’s relationships with the Council. I will work diligently with the Board, Council and Membership to ensure that our Society remains relevant and continues to be the
premier professional association of home inspectors.

  • ASHI member since 1992
  • Served as President, Vice President and Chair of the annual conference for the Florida Chapter of ASHI
  • Council Representative
  • Served as COR group leader, and participated in COR communication and policies and procedures work groups
  • Served on the ASHI Officer Nominating Committee
  • Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:
  • Past member of the President’s Advisory Council for AmeriSpec, Inc.
  • Prior Commissioned Officer in the United States Marine Corps. Served in combat during the Persian Gulf War 
  • State of Florida Certified Residential Contractor
  • Registered Professional Inspector Florida Association of Building Inspectors.
  • Member of the National Association of Home Builders and the local Northeast Florida Chapter

Brion Grant
Northland Home Inspections, Inc.
Flagstaff, Ariz. 

“I am honored to be elected to serve on the Board of Directors. These are important times in the history of ASHI as we embark on the branding program. I approach this opportunity with an open mind and no specific agenda of my own. I look forward to working with the committees, staff, board, branding team and COR to implement the vision for our Society that is set before us! I expect lively debate and discussion of all important issues prior to reaching consensus agreements. I am excited and ready to get started!”

  • ASHI member since 1986
  • Was founding member and served as President and Vice President of the Arizona Chapter
  • Served as ASHI Director
  • Served on ASHI Bylaws, Membership, and Officer Nominating Committees
  • Chaired ASHI Legislative (State activities) Committee
  • Serves on ASHI strategic planning task force
  • Leadership positions held in other organizations include:
  • Cub master, Cub Scout Pack 201, Flagstaff
  • President, Flagstaff Little League
  • Chair, Kachina Village Fire District Board
  • Vice Chair, Arizona Home Inspectors Advisory Coalition to develop legislation
  • Chair, State Home Inspection Regulatory Advisory Committee

Donald A. Nelson

Nelson & Son Building Inspections, Ltd.
Northbrook, Ill.

“In 1985 I joined ASHI with a personal vision to attain Membership, which would allow me to better position myself in my local market area. During those early years, I had to create my own marketing program, a costly venture. During the next several years, the branding concept should advance our ability to market on a national level through interconnecting coverage from several media. Using the tools to be provided by the branding program, we will have access to a very high-level marketing program with minimal development expenses. My vision is to encourage support of the branding program through the COR via top-down communications and a bottom-up exchange.”

  • ASHI member since 1986
  • •Served as seminar vendor coordinator, super seminars coordinator, and chaired Director Nominating Committee, for the Great Lakes Chapter
  • Council Representative
  • Managed ASHI HQ transition team
  • Served on ASHI Education Committee
  • Leadership positions held in other organizations include the following:
  • Served on the Federal Housing Advisory Board
  • Member of State Emergency Operations Headquarters
  • Serve on Northbrook flood commission
  • Scoutmaster, Boy Scouts of America
  • Advisor to Northeast Illinois Council, B. S. A., Properties Management Committee and Member of Risk Management Committee

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