Meet the 2003 ASHI Officers

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2003

Rich Matzen, President
Home Buyers Inspections
Seattle, Washington

“ASHI has increasingly become the leading influence in our profession at the legislative level, and at the grass roots level where consumers choose a professional to protect themselves in their home purchase.

“2003 will be the year that ASHI strives to maximize its impact; to create a brand synonymous with excellence, and to be recognized by the community as the unique home inspection association able to provide an unparalleled home inspection experience.

“In 2003 we have a great group of Officers and Directors, who will lead the profession toward the realization of our brand.”

  • ASHI Member since April 1988
  • Founding Member, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President and President of the Northwest Chapter
  • Chaired ASHI Education Committee, 1993-94; and Complaints Against Candidates, 1999.
  • Served as ASHI Director At Large, 1993-95; and Director, 1995-98
  • Participated in COR-BOD Task Force, 1998
  • Served on the following ASHI Committees: By-Laws, 1998-2000; Legislative, 1998-2000; Conference Planning, 2000; Finance, 2000-01
  • ASHI Secretary, 2000
  • Participated in ASHI’s strategic planning group, 2000
  • Co-chaired Conference Planning Committee, 2001
  • Served as Board Liaison for Standards of Practice Committee and Committee on Complaints and Professional Practices, 2001
  • ASHI Vice President, 2001
  • Received Northwest Chapter Member of the Year Award and ASHI Philip C. Monahon Award

Steven Gladstone, President-Elect
Stone Hollow, Inc.
Stamford, Connecticut

“As we enter the era of ASHI Branding and our ranks expand to more than 6,200, ASHI leadership will have to be even more diligent focusing on the needs and benefits of our Membership. Daily, we’re asked how our Members measure up to those who are simply licensed. We can be proud of our 27-year tradition of adherence to our Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, and a truly professional Membership. With our entry requirements and continuing education, our inspectors remain a cut above the rest. In the next few years I’m sure others will see the benefits of Membership in our Society as we bang the ASHI drum with more referrals from the Web, increased political presence with our lobbyist, our new PAC, and ASHI endorsed programs to enhance educational and information services to the Society. I am both excited and proud to serve as your President-Elect for 2003. I believe our team is ready for the challenge and look forward to a great year.”

  • ASHI Member since 1986
  • Southern New England Chapter (SNEC) Director, 1991; Vice President 1992-93, President 1994-95; and adviser to the Chapter Board
  • Served on Legal, Legislative, Public Relations and the Peer Review Committees for SNEC. Chaired Public Relations Committee, 1989-92, and edited SNEC News & Site Lines for 6 years
  • Organized Coastal Connecticut Chapter, 1999; served as President and edited newsletter
  • ASHI Treasurer, 1999-01
  • ASHI Secretary, 1998-99
  • ASHI Board Member, 1996-02
  • Chaired ASHI Finance Committee and Membership Committee
  • Served on ASHI Conference, Nominating, Public Relations, Membership, Member Complaints and Strategic Planning Committees
  • Edited ASHI Technical Journal, brochures, and co-wrote the policy for logo use, while serving on the task force for logo use
  • Served as Complaints Committee Board Liaison, 1996, and Committee for Complaints Against Candidates, 1995-96
  • Council of Representatives, 1995

Don Norman, Vice President
HouseMaster Inspection Service
St. Louis, Missouri

“During my tenure with ASHI at the national level, I have been amazed by the quality of the volunteers and staff and the amount of work involved in keeping ASHI at the top of the profession. I acknowledge and thank each of you for your time and monetary commitment to our Society. The members I have met at the annual conferences and local seminars illustrate why we are the best. They have enriched me professionally and personally. Yet much of our work is still ahead as we move toward branding the ASHI name and the ASHI inspection. The ASHI Political Action Committee (PAC) is a big step for ASHI and will make us even more visible to those on Capitol Hill. I look forward to the challenges and just plain fun of being involved in our Society, our profession and having the opportunity to make a difference.”

  • ASHI Member since 1991
  • St. Louis Chapter President, 1995-96; Vice President, 1994; Secretary, 1992; Treasurer, 1991; and Chapter Education Committee Chair, 1993-94
  • Council of Representatives, 1997-98
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors
  • Served as Charter Director for Examination Board of Professional Home Inspectors (EBPHI) 
  • Chaired ASHI Membership Committee, 1999-2000, and Education Committee, 1997-98
  • Participated in the “Body of Knowledge” study that was used in creating the National Home Inspectors Exam (NHIE)
  • Participated in creating and writing ASHI’s “Home Inspectors Curriculum”
  • Alternate to the Board of Directors, 1998
  • Participated in Strategic Planning
  • Served on Nominating Committee for the election of ASHI Officers for 1999
  • Participated in the interviewing and training of full-time verifiers for ASHI’s report verification program

Joseph Corsetto, Treasurer
Shelterworks, Inc.
Dover, New Jersey

“There are many challenges ahead for ASHI’s membership and leadership. They include the branding of ASHI, home inspections and ASHI becoming synonymous, as well as our more traditional role of maintaining high ethical standards and practices in the delivery of our craft to the homebuying consumer. I am confident that our professional staff and committed leadership are ready for any challenge on the horizon. I am proud to be part of this team and look forward to serving as your Treasurer in 2003.“

  • ASHI Member since 1986
  • Garden State Chapter President, 1994-96 and Vice President, 1995-96
  • Council of Representatives, 1995-96
  • Chaired Chapter Nominating Committee,  1997 and Legislative Committee, 1989-2001
  • Board of Directors Chapter Representative 1989-95
  • Served on ASHI Officer Nominating Committee, 1995
  • Chaired ASHI Chapter Relations Committee,1996-97; Legislative Committee, 1998-2000
  • Chaired ASHI/CAHI* Task Force, 1996 *Canadian Association of Home Inspectors
  • Served on the ASHI Board of Directors, 1997-99
  • Co-chaired ASHI Legislative Committee (Federal issues), 2001
  • Participated in Strategic Planning, leadership training workshop and legislative workshop
  • Spoke and moderated at Chapter Leadership Day and National Education Conference
  • Participated in one of the first role delineation studies for the EBPHI in North Carolina
  • Received ASHI’s National President’s Award, 1996, and ASHI’s Ironman Award, 2000

Keith Ruehl, Secretary
US Inspect
Jupiter, Florida

“I am truly excited and honored to have the opportunity to serve ASHI as an officer. ASHI is the undisputed leader in the home inspection profession and as such will face many significant challenges over the next year. We are at a critical time in the growth of the organization, which will require recognition of the ever-changing business environment. Active membership participation and a willingness to adapt will be crucial for ASHI’s continued success. Through the efforts of dedicated members and staff I have little doubt we can achieve our goals.”

  • ASHI Member since 1993
  • Gulfstream Chapter President, 1997-98; Vice President, 1996; Treasurer, 1995
  • Council of Representatives 1999-2000
  • Served on ASHI Nominating Committee, 1999, Legislative Committee, 2000
  • Served on ASHI Board of Directors – 2001-02
  • ASHI national conference speaker – 2002
  • Actively involved in FABI (Florida Association of Building Inspectors)
  • Developed Home Inspector designation program for Miami-Dade College and instructed several of courses in program
  • Licensed or certified as Florida state residential contractor; SBCCI building inspector; Florida state building inspector; SBCCI electrical inspector; certified pest control operator; radon technician; IAEI (International Association of Electrical Inspectors) member; American Red Cross Damage Assessor; real estate salesperson; and roofing contractor

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