Marketing Tips: It Worked for Them, Why Not You?
Bill Loden, ASHI director, shared the following experience on the ASHI discussion forum.
I’ve been running television ads on cable channels for the past four months and have been getting great results. Last week was the best week I’ve had in over two years. I’m in a medium to small market where there are competing cable companies. The smaller company has about 60k households in the higher income areas and they have some very attractive rates.
Those of you in small to medium markets really should look at local cable companies to see what they offer. You might be surprised at how much exposure you can afford.
First email: Now social media
In the July Reporter, Welmoed Sission explained how an electronic newsletter promotes Inspections by Bob. Now, she’s back with tips on how to use social media, another important piece of her marketing plan:
– Use a consistent avatar
Your avatar — the picture that identifies you in social media platforms, forums and other online exchanges — should be the same for all the places you post. A professional headshot is the best choice, but your logo also can be used.
– Avoid free email addresses
Your email address should reflect your professional status and should match your website domain. So, for the website “,” your email needs to be “” Relying on a free email service for business communications tells your audience that you aren’t serious enough about your business to invest in it.
Share those lessons learned the hard way
Members are invited to share how they’ve successfully marketed their services – what worked and what didn’t. Lessons learned the hard way can save others time and money.
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