MAC-ASHI Rewards Success and Leads by Example

by Edited by ASHI Staff January 1, 2007

The MAC-ASHI Chapter rewards success by reimbursing Candidates $100 when they pass the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE). Pictured are three proud recipients (l. to r.): Bill Walker, Claxton Walker & Assoc., Bethesda, Md.; Jeff Adler, The Building Inspector of America, Silver Spring, Md.; and Scott Maury, Claxton Walker & Assoc., Elkridge, Md.

Several of MAC-ASHI’s leaders set an example for the Candidates by taking and passing the NHIE even though they achieved Member status before this exam was required. The successful exam-takers include Chapter President John Vaughn, John Vaughn, At Home Inspections, Inc., Monrovia, Md.; Chapter Immediate past president Dan Blum, Daniel Blum Integrity Home Inspection Services, Inc., Washington, D.C.; and Chapter Past Presidents Skip Walker, Claxton Walker & Associates, Washington, D.C., and JD Grewell, J.D. Grewell & Associates, Inc., Silver Spring, Md.   

Photo provided by JD Grewell.

Chapter Resources Available Online

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Chapter Public Relations/Marketing Tools

ASHI Publicity Guide (Word format)
News release samples and instructions
Sample Chapter brochures

Chapter Recruitment Tools

•  ASHI Chapter Recruitment/Retention Program (PDF)
ASHI Candidate Mentoring Program (Powerpoint)
ASHI Chapter Incentive Coupon (PDF)

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