Lower Dues

by Edited by ASHI Staff September 1, 2005

Dues notices have been mailed and the membership will be pleased to see the Board of Directors approved lower dues for the year ahead. With ASHI now topping 6,000 in the membership and more growth expected, the increased participation provides the Society with an opportunity to continue to expand membership benefits, while decreasing dues and eliminating additional fees.

Beginning Oct. 1, 2005, dues for Candidates will be $295 and dues for C2s and full Members will be $395. This represents an $80 savings for Candidates and a $105 savings for C2s and full Members over 2004-2005 dues/fees. Retired Members also will pay less, $85 instead of $105. There will be no additional chapter or strategic fees included with this billing. Dues can be paid online after logging in to the Members’ Only Extranet on the ASHI Web site. For more information, contact Yvonne Romanowski at yvonner@ashi.org.

Attention chapter leaders: Use form to get funding

Even though funds will not be collected for chapters with the 2006 dues, The ASHI Experience funding for chapters collected this year is still being disbursed. Submit your chapter’s plan for using the funds by using the Chapter Grant Approval form (pages 11 & 12.) Go to ASHI.org, log in as a member, click on Downloads, ASHI Documents and January 2005 Chapter Funding & Activity Guidebook.

Time running out to get the services of marketing professional at no cost or low cost

ASHI’s contract with Buz Buzagony, SAVVY Strategic Resource Partners, will expire October 31, 2005. Seventeen chapters already have benefited from SAVVY’s help with their marketing plans and/or ad placement at no cost or low cost. There is still time for your chapter to take advantage of this great opportunity. Contact SAVVY at buzogany@savvysrp.com or 847-749-4012.

Membership continues to grow

As of August 11, 2005

  • Members: 3,441
  • Candidates with Logo Use: 178
  • Candidates: 2,200
  • Retired Members: 72
  • Affiliate Members: 87
  • Administrative Suspension*: 98

*Members and Candidates who have not submitted MRC Claim Forms or have not complied with repeated requests for proof of Membership Renewal Credits as a result of the Annual MRC Audit are placed on administrative suspension. If they are unable to provide proof of MRCs, their membership is terminated.

Officer and Director nominations closed August 31

The Officers Nominating Committee is now considering submitted matrixes, and ballots will be mailed to the Members by Oct. 31, 2005. A petition of 10 percent of ASHI Members in good standing can cause the name of a qualified ASHI Member to be added to the ballot for a specific office. For petition information, contact Rob Paterkiewicz, ASHI executive director, at HQ 847-759-2820.

Director’s nominations closed August 31
The Directors Nomination Committee is now considering submitted matrixes, and will mail ballots to council representatives Oct. 31, 2005. The election closes Nov. 30, 2005.

Update on Biz Op Study

The data from more than 2,000 home inspectors are now being analyzed, compiled and prepared for publication. Those who participated in the 2005 Home Inspection Business Operations Study and ordered a copy at the special participant’s pre-publication rate will receive it in the mail.

The Study is now on sale in the ASHI store for $89.95 to ASHI membership and $139.95 for non-members (plus shipping and tax, if applicable).

ASHI calendar of events

  • Oct. 20-21, 2005, Chapter Leadership Days, Chicago, Ill.
  • Oct. 22, 2005, Board meeting, Chicago, Ill.
  • Dec. 13, 2005, Committee Leadership Workshop, Chicago, Ill. (tentative)
  • Jan. 11-14, 2006, InspectionWorld, Fort Lauderdale,Fla.<

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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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