Listening, Learning & More at IW Atlanta
“It was my first InspectionWorld and I wanted to experience it all — it was great!”
Yes, it was great. With more than 625 attendees and 62 exhibitors occupying 85 booth spaces, InspectionWorld was a grand success. Attendees came to Atlanta for education, both technical and business-related; to poke, prod and question a full array of home inspection-related products and services; and to network. In their own words, they share what they found.
About the EXPO HALL
- 94 percent responded that they felt there was a good selection of vendors.
- 87 percent said they learned about new products/services.
About the EDUCATION:
Overall, presenters were rated high in their knowledge of subject matter and for their presentations skills. Comments about specific sessions included the following:
- Kenny Hart’s 35 Years in Plumbing, 35 Plumbing Defects Reviewed: “Very on-target information, which I can use in the field.”
- Harris Breit and Bryck Guibor’s Basic Electrical Defect Recognition 2011: “I love it! These guys are the Click and Clack of electrical. I’m a 30-year-inspector with 22 years of ASHI conferences. This is the best.”
- Scott Warga’s Social Media: How to Give a Hoot: “Excellent presentation motivated me to start using Facebook and Twitter.”
- Jeff Kortan’s Common Foundation Problems – Causes, Signs and Solutions: “Very informative. Geared perfectly toward the home inspector. Easy to understand and comprehend.”
- Steve Wisdom’s Combustion Safety Testing for Inspectors: “This is an ideal “advanced” introductory course and helpfully promotes an under-utilized science.”
We’ll let the pictures tell that story.
It’s official: New officers and directors were sworn in at the annual ASHI business meeting, held during InspectionWorld Atlanta.
Photo above: 2011 ASHI Officers, r to l: Kurt Salomon, president; David Tamny, immediate past-president; Bill Loden, secretary; Alden Gibson, treasurer; Charles Gifford, vice president; Marvin Goldstein, president-elect
Photo above: 2011 ASHI Directors, front row, r to l: Charles Zehner, Paul Staron, Randy Sipe, Scott Warga, Jack McGraw, Mark Londner. Back row, l to r: John Biegalski, Michael Conley (alternate director), Andrew Kasznay, JD Grewell, Bruce LaBell, Keven Kossler, Howard Pegelow
Save the date for InspectionWorld Phoenix, January 4-7, 2012!
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.