Legislative Alert: Help Keep Health Plan Bill Moving Along
There’s still time to contact your U.S. Senators and Senate leaders to voice your support of S1955, The Small Business Health Plan bill (formerly AHPs, Association Health Plans), which, if passed, would allow associations like ASHI to negotiate nationwide health care plans and make them available to members.
Randall Pence, Capitol Hill Advocates, Inc., alerted ASHI of the need for action in late March and provided the following update in April.
“The SBHP bill was recently voted out of the Senate HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions) on a straight party-line vote of 11-9. It is now on the Senate calendar awaiting action on the Senate floor.
“The Senate majority leader has let it be known that the motion to bring the bill to the floor could come as soon as May, following the immigration bill and the Easter recess.
“Proponents of the bill are advised to contact their senators to support efforts to bring the bill to the Senate floor as soon as possible, oppose filibusters or ‘killer’ amendments, and vote for final passage.”
ASHI vigorously supports passage of S1955
What is at stake: Small-business owners are struggling to obtain/pay for reasonable, effective health insurance at a reasonable cost. Business owners often have to “go it alone” versus insurers, a poor negotiating position. S1955 would allow associations to use the broad negotiating strength of their memberships to negotiate more favorable terms for their members. S1955 is one of the most important small-business bills under serious consideration at this time.
What to do: ASHI issued the Legislative Alert to activate a grassroots-lobbying network. To keep the pressure on, contact Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), and the two senators who represent your state. You can identify your senators and e-mail them and the leaders from the ASHI Legislative Action Center.
The parliamentary and political setting for this bill is complicated; therefore, we recommend you use the message available on the online ASHI Legislation Action Center, adding your thoughts, if you wish.
If you believe being able to obtain health insurance at a reasonable cost is an important issue, consider adding your voice to this grassroots campaign.
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