Leadership Training Preview

by Leadership Outfitters August 1, 2007

Leadership training begins here One of the highlights of last year’s Chapter Leadership event was the workshop given by nationally renowned volunteer trainer Jill McCrory. Jill will be giving two workshops at this year’s event: “Finding, Cultivating and Rewarding Volunteers” and “Practicing Effective Leadership.” To get an idea of what to expect, Jill has provided ASHI with the following article.

The Leader as Communicator: Understanding Behavior Styles

Each of us brings something unique and valuable to any group with which we interact. In addition to our skills and talents, we each have different approaches to communication. Leadership and communication styles are woven intimately together and your primary styles will often determine how you initially respond as a leader.
A variety of resources offer advice on being an “encouraging” leader, a “bold” leader or an “inspiring” leader. But what if you aren’t naturally encouraging, bold or inspiring? If you are not naturally comfortable as a risk-taker or you don’t feel particularly warm and fuzzy about your team … that’s OK. The fact is that everyone leads differently because we each have our own mix of styles and temperaments.

Your particular style of communicating and leading will influence how you approach, interact and respond to others. Some of us are relaxed and thoughtful, others are driven and demanding. Sometimes our predominant style works to our advantage, but more often than not, relating to those with different styles is frustrating and may cause conflict in the group, in the community and even at home. We expect others to see the situation like we do, and expect people to respond and process the information in the same way we do, but often that’s just not what happens. The challenge for leaders is being aware of our own styles and learning how to interact effectively with those who do not share the same style mix.

The Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates first recognized behavior styles in 400 B.C. He identified four basic types of temperaments and linked them with liquids in the body. Today,  we know that there is no link with bodily fluids, but Hippocrates’ original concept of four styles or temperaments has remained. He called them Choleric, Sanguine, Melancholy and Phlegmatic. Since that time, others have identified these styles with a variety of names, many offering assessments that determine your predominant style. You may be familiar with names like DiSC, The Behavior Style Assessment, True Coors, or Myers-Briggs. Our base styles influence how we interact and, although we can adjust to other styles, we are most comfortable around our own particular style.

Below are four broadly categorized styles, of which most of us have one style or a combination of styles that is most comfortable. See if you recognize your style.

Choleric, Directive, Assertive, Dominant, Controller

Directive leaders have high expectations of themselves and others. They make quick decisions, are self-reliant, are usually comfortable taking risks, and are results-oriented. However, these leaders can also be competitive, determined, have lower active listening skills and can crave power. Choleric leaders are often seen as demanding and driven. This is the leader that rushes in with a big idea that he/she thinks should be implemented right away. These folks want bottom-line answers and quick results and are often criticized for being impatient, single-minded and heartless.

Getting along with these folks requires that you:

• ask specific questions,
• be as direct as you can,
• use goals and ends to get them on board,
• don’t interrupt, and
• always deal with the fact, not the person.

Melancholy, Analytic, Logical, Compliant
Analytical leaders are those who examine the data and prefer process and order. They are accurate, conscientious, precise and deliberate. They may want additional time to make decisions, are considered to have their emotions under control and may be hesitant to take risks. Logical leaders are often seen as being obsessed with data, unable to make a decision and slow-moving. This is the leader who has to have the chart “just so” before it is published, or who corrects all your spelling and grammar mistakes. They would probably have a map of where they are going before leaving home for a new destination.

Getting along with these folks requires that you:

• be prepared and know your facts,
• use specific data in an analytical form,
• use examples, and
• allow time for processing and decision-making.

Sanguine, Creative, Persuader, Expressive, Influential
The creative leader is that motivating, energizing, outgoing person who inspires us all. Other characteristics include generous, influential and socially confident. This leader may be seen as dramatic, emotional and impulsive. Sanguine leaders are often seen as being eccentric and overly dramatic. These folks consider the environment around them and how things “feel.” Often, this is the leader who suggests that everyone wear a funny hat to work for April Fool’s Day.

Getting along with these folks requires that you:

• spend time on the relationship,
• use ideas that elicit an emotional response,
• use incentives, and
• request their opinion.

Phlegmatic, Empathetic, Stabilizer, Amiable, Steady
Empathetic leaders care about including everyone; they are patient, supportive and considerate. These folks are easy-going and dependable and would just like everyone to get along. They are often seen as deliberate, questioning and too concerned with other’s feelings. Phlegmatic leaders are often seen as the “softies” of the office; caring about others and considering how others might feel. These folks care for the team and will ask for input from everyone. They are often accused of caring too much and being too “touchy-feely.”

Getting along with these folks requires that you:

• show concern,
• create a supportive environment,
• request input and suggestions, and
• ask a lot of questions.

We each have a combination of styles, some stronger in one area than others.

The key to effective communication is being aware of your own style and accommodating others’ styles. This accommodation can be uncomfortable and take a lot of energy, but it is worth it when improved communication is the result.

© 2004 Leadership Outfitters, Inc.

Jill McCrory brings a background of interactive training, team building and leadership training to the Leadership Outfitters team. Formerly Senior Director of Training at the National Association of Home Builders, she worked with national association leaders and their chapters on leadership development, volunteer management, membership and presentation skills. At Leadership Outfitters, she is known for her creative approach to team building and a philosophy of “leadership at all levels.”
She currently serves on the Leadership Council for the Greater Washington Society of Association Executives Network and is a member and frequent presenter at American Society of Association Executives and the Center for Association Leadership events.

Leadership Outfitters, Inc. is a leadership development consortium of content experts with offices in Washington, D.C., and Los Angeles. The company provides creative and practical tools to assist non-profits, corporations and faith organizations. For more information, contact Jill McCrory at 240-430-0770 or Steve Swafford at 310-428-6795. You can also visit us at


Chapter Leadership Training 2007

Attention Chapter Leaders
It’s time to plan for and decide who will attend this year’s Chapter Leadership event.

Who: Current
and incoming chapter presidents, members involved with or interested in
leadership, and new members identified as potential leaders.

Thursday afternoon and all day Friday, October 18-19, 2007

Where: Doubletree Hotel Chicago O’Hare – Rosemont, Ill.

CE hours: 6

Invitations will be sent out in August.

Contact Bob Kociolek at bobk@ashi.org or 847-954-3177.


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