Leadership Training Conference aka Chapter Leadership Day
ORIGINALLY, THE LEADERSHIP TRAINING CONFERENCE (LTC) was called Chapter Leadership Day (CLD). The original intent had several goals:
1. Educate chapter leaders so they could help strengthen their respective chapters.
2. Share the success stories other chapters had in achieving membership growth, financial stability, better educational conferences, etc.
3. Give leaders across the country the chance to attend the ASHI Board of Directors meeting.
The camaraderie, igniting new and existing friendships and just the chance to exchange ideas with one’s peers is reason enough to attend. What I didn’t mention, though, are the educational sessions that are the basis for LTC.
Every year, as Ed Sullivan would say, “We have a really big show” and this year is no exception. Ken Harrington, ASHI’s Chapter Relations Committee Chairman, has put together a great agenda. Here is just a taste, starting with the goals of LTC: What Members Want-Show Me the Money!
Then, we’ll introduce the Council of Representatives and the Board of Directors, followed by Russell Daniels and Tim Buell, who will tell us about the changes at ASHI and member benefits.
Next there’s going to be a session on the best Peer Review Program in ASHI. We’ve invited Dave Bunker, the Great Lakes Chapter’s Peer Review Chairman for the previous 7 years, and Rick Vernon, the current GLC Peer Review Chairman, and some other guy who will tell us about:
• The history of peer reviews in ASHI and GLC.
• How to start a peer review program.
• How to run a successful peer review.
• Obtaining the peer review house.
• Organizing reviewers.
• Writing up the defects.
• Coordinating the differing opinions of what are “must find” defects and what are not.
• Conducting the actual review of the candidates.
You’ll receive all the details necessary to take back to your chapters one of the best-kept secrets the largest chapter in ASHI has been using for over 20 years!
This month’s staff member I’d like to introduce is someone who does behind-the-scenes work. Dave Kogan is the manager of marketing and business development. Among many other things, Dave works with Russell Daniels, Michele George and Steve Hawkins to help promote ASHI to current and potential vendors. These vendors come to InspectionWorld, advertise in The Reporter and provide ASHI members with the tools and services we all use in our inspection business. They also contribute financial support to ASHI. Dave makes sure their needs are met
because he’s our go-to guy when a vendor has a problem or concern. With 15 years’ experience managing marketing functions, Dave is proving to be the right man in the right job!
Frank Lesh
Interim Executive Director
American Society of Home Inspectors
Direct: (847)954-3182
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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