Leadership Training Conference

by Michele George December 1, 2012

Chapter leaders gathered in Rosemont, Ill., on Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19, for the annual ASHI Chapter Leadership Conference. With more than 90 members attending and 41 chapters participating, the conference was a great success. The focus of the conference was on attracting and retaining new members and developing chapter leaders and revenue. Ideas on planning educational events and training were shared, as well as chapter success stories and challenges.

Dave Haught, Chapter Relations Committee chair, commented that LTC provides tools and information to answer the issues all chapter leaders face while growing vibrant, healthy and viable chapters.

Overall, attendees rated the day-and-a-half event highly. The ASHI board of directors attended the Leadership Training Conference and participated in the roundtable discussions and training.













Congratulations to Jeremy Meek!

The lucky winner of the Leadership Training Conference raffle drawing was Jeremy Meek of Oswego, Ill. Jeremy attended the 10-day pre-licensing course and became an ASHI member through The ASHI School. The member of the Northern Illinois Chapter won full conference registration to InspectionWorld Las Vegas and a three-night stay at Bally’s Resort.

Thank you to ASHI Treasurer Alden Gibson for providing additional photos.

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