Leadership is What Sustains ASHI
What is leadership and how do we prepare for it? If we are so inclined, some of us pick up leadership skills as part of life’s experience. For others, leadership is inherent; it comes naturally. For some, being a leader is learned and reluctantly
applied to a situation.
Without leadership within ASHI, what
are we? A bunch of people who are loosely associated with a national organization or
a state chapter for the benefit of getting
together once in awhile.
ASHI is and should be more than that. It is an influencer of standards, a guider of policy, a representative of our profession and a visionary for the future. How is any of this relevant? Without having anyone in the lead looking ahead, our paths are unmarked and we move forward helter-skelter with no real vision of what’s to come. Business opportunities are missed or go unrecognized. We become adrift in a sea of uncertainty, and our fate is determined by those who have no connection with our profession and those who have a skewed concept of what a home inspector is.
However, with unity and same-mindedness, we have a voice and can determine our destiny as we (as collective members of an industry) see it. That voice comes with
experience and dedication of purpose—a love of what we do and the desire to better our profession for future inspectors.
Leadership starts with volunteering on a local level—perhaps with a local chapter or any organization that needs direction and guidance. Maybe you are participating with a chapter of ASHI, moving up the ranks and taking charge, improving the profession and the membership. Not only does offering this type of leadership contribute to your profession, but it also changes and focuses you. I have never come across anyone who volunteered or held office (whether reluctantly or not) who was not enriched by the experience. I have met many people who volunteered or held office for “one time only” and who, at the end of that time, wanted to go another term. Some of these “reluctees” either volunteered again or moved into an officer position. I’ve seen this happen at the chapter level and the
national level.
So, what’s my point? Every year, ASHI offers a Leadership Training Conference (LTC). It’s designed to train those who attend to bring that leadership experience and information back to their chapters so they can use it and continue to improve their chapter. LTC allows for continuity and creates a pool of leaders who are better informed and better prepared to lead
their chapters.
No one person or leader knows everything. We can all benefit from being
exposed to other points of view and
others’ experiences. Just socializing with the other attendees is an experience in itself. We can learn from each other and from
the top-notch speakers that ASHI brings
to the party.
I urge any and all interested ASHI
members and associates to come and see what’s going on. It’s open to anyone and everyone, not just people associated with the Council of Representatives or chapter officers. The event and food are free, so all you have to do is get yourself to Chicago, October 22-23 and attend. ASHI offers a stipend to a chapter representative who attends to help the chapter offset the costs of travel and hotel. If no one steps up in your chapter, you could be that representative. If you’re really ambitious, plan to stay an extra day (October 24) and attend ASHI’s national Board of Directors meeting.
So, you say you’re too busy to take time out for this event. Well, we’re all busy, so that’s no excuse. Take this opportunity to contribute to the profession. Let’s give something back to a profession that has served us well.
We should, as an industry, aspire to better and brighter things for ourselves and for the future of the profession. To do that takes leadership. Come on up to Chicago and feel the surge of energy. Many will be there…will you?
ASHI Board Meeting July 24 & 25
Membership: Russell K. Daniels, Director of Membership & Chapter Relations, updated the ASHI Board on the current membership totals. He highlighted that membership is
at 5,604, updated from 5,477, which was given at the time the report was sent.
Motion: Motion was made to accept Target Insurance as an Endorsed Program.
Drone Task Force: Will be attending the InterDrone Conference in September and will be reporting all new information at the October ASHI Board Meeting.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.