Leaders Met in April
On April 16, ASHI officers, directors and select committee chairs met in Rosemont, Ill., for the board orientation. The quarterly Board of Directors meeting followed on April 17 and 18.
Board action items will be reported in the June issue.
Committee now considering sessions for IW 2010
The call for presentations deadline was extended but has now passed, and the Education Committee is reviewing the proposals received for InspectionWorld 2010 in Las Vegas.
Chapters reminded of recruitment tools
ASHI HQ reminds chapters of two handy recruitment tools: the Chapter Incentive Coupon and the monthly list of new members and prospects.
Chapters can use the coupon to discount a new member’s chapter dues by $30, then turn it in to be reimbursed by HQ. The monthly lists are e-mailed to the chapters so they can invite local prospects and new members to the next chapter meeting.
Contact Sarah Walsh at sarahw@ashi.org to learn more about the programs.
Chapter vitality reports coming soon
The Chapter Relations Committee is revising the Chapter Vitality Report form and will distribute it soon. The responses help the committee provide chapters with the help they need.
Thank you for participating
The Education Committee would like to thank all the chapter presidents who participated in the recent education survey. Education always ranks high when members are asked what they want more of from ASHI. This information will help the committee respond to members’ expectations.
Standards Exam now Education Module
What was once the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics Examination, a necessary step for becoming an ASHI Certified Inspector, is now the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics education module. The change was made to prepare ASHI to become recognized by a third party as an accrediting body for certification.
The module remains a requirement for full ASHI membership and continues to be available on the ASHI Home Inspector Web site at no additional cost.
Keeping CE records
Although members who attend InspectionWorld receive credit automatically, documenting other continuing education hours is the responsibility of the members. Members must report all other approved education hours using the annual report form and members are expected to provide evidence of the credits if audited. Be sure to ask for a certificate from all seminars, including those hosted by chapters. Keep everything in one place, ready to reference, when you complete your annual form or respond to an audit. Questions? Contact sarahw@ashi.org.
IW Orlando session files available
All 31 educational sessions at InspectionWorld Orlando were recorded and are available for purchase in the WRF format (synchronized audio and Powerpoint), standard “wave” audio and MP3 formats. Session DVDs are available either by track, as a complete set or by individual session. Attendees will receive special pricing. Go to www.inspectionworld.org for more information.
Current ASHI membership
Members: 3,504
Candidate with Logo Use: 149
Candidates: 1,509
Retired Members: 132
Affiliates: 80
Grand Total: 5,374
ASHI calendar of events
• July 17-18, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 15-16, 2009, Leadership Training Conference, Rosemont, Ill.
• Oct. 16-17, 2009, Board meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
• Jan. 17, 2010, Board meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
• Jan. 17-20, 2010, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.
To Read the Full Article
ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
In this Issue
Professional Networking
Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.