
by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2001

The ASHI Reporter is a great source of information for home  inspectors. Each of my issues goes into a three ring binder, separated and marked by the year printed. I recently inspected a 1985 home and discovered gray polyethylene jackets falling off of the A/C flexduct. I know when I saw the situation that I had read about it first in the ASHI Reporter. So after returning home and looking through previous issues, I found the article in the July/August 1999 Reporter. It explained that the flexduct polyethylene was crumbling due to exposure to ultra violet light and that it could even happen with incandescent or flourescent lights. The results are condensation on the inner jacket that can seep and drip through ceilings, eventually damaging living spaces. The industry switched to black polyethylene and/or metalized polyester film. It is great going back to previous issues to discover all the valuable information that the Reporter has covered in the past, and now seeing how ASHI is evolving as time goes forward. GO ASHI!

I have just returned from the FLA-ASHI Chapter educational seminar, Octoberspect ‘01, in Kissimmee, Florida. Michael Casey, ASHI President Elect was one of our guest speakers and instructors. I am pumped about ASHI’s future and am 110 percent behind our officers, directors and our future goals.


John Horsman
ASHI Member
Southern Home Inspection Svcs.
West Melbourne, Florida

Editor’s note:
To make finding information from previous issues of the Reporter easier, an index is published each year.

Testing GFCI outlets

While reading the May 2001 Reporter, I noticed a few comments on the correct way to test GFCI outlets. This is a much asked question at our training center in our ASHI electrical inspection classes. The best tester we have found for this check is the Greenlee 5708GFCI circuit tester. This tester allows you to apply a range of 2mA to 30mA load to the circuit to test its break point. The GFCI should trip at 7mA within 200ms. This device is small (fits in shirt pocket) and lightweight and also doubles as a regular LED circuit tester. We are not in the habit of endorsing products, but I thought your readers would like to know what is available. Cost is about $100.

Also, I would like to thank the Great Plains ASHI Chapter for making me feel welcome as a presenter for a Carbon Monoxide program at their Kansas City meeting in August. It was a great group and well attended.

Thank You,

Ralf Henkel
Gas Training Specialist
Illinois Power Co.

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