Keystone Chapter Credits The ASHI School for Best Ever Seminar
Above photo: The well-attended Keystone Chapter seminar.
In November, the Keystone Chapter hosted the biggest educational event in its history. Although we’re a small chapter, we wanted a seminar with great speakers, nice facilities and good food, all at a reasonable cost. We knew where to find the nice facilities and good food at a location in east central Pennsylvania that could draw inspectors from five states. The ASHI School (TAS) took care of the rest.
TAS’ Mike Casey crafted sessions geared to what we wanted and got them approved for CEUs in the neighboring states of New York and New Jersey. The school set up an information and registration page on its website and assisted us with marketing. The flat-rate speaker fee helped us set the seminar fee to establish our break-even point. It was great to get to the facilities a day before the seminar to meet and go over last minute details with the speakers, Mike Casey and Don Norman.
Above photo: The ASHI School’s Mike Casey (left) and Don Norman (right).
Based on positive feedback from attendees, the chapter decided to work with The ASHI School again next year. Here’s what two attendees had to say:
“Thank you so much for some great HI education. The class was very beneficial to me (a newer inspector), and I’ve come home re-vamped and ready to turn up my business. I will be joining Keystone ASHI very soon, as we discussed, and I hope to learn more and more from your group. Save me a seat for next year … it was well worth the four-hour drive.”
“Just wanted to thank you and everyone for what was the best seminar Neil and I have been to. Considering I have been at this since 1988 and have been to many national conventions, this is some achievement. The speakers, Don and Mike, were great and I will definitely recommend The ASHI School to anyone who may be interested.”
Many other attendees left saying “see you next year” and “keep me on your mailing list for the next seminar.”
Submitted by Dave Glick, Keystone ASHI president
Northern Illinois is Recognized for Service to Vets
Two Northern Illinois Chapter (NICASHI) past-presidents, Ed Massart (center) and Gary Monfeli (right), accept a plaque from American Legion Post #134 member Casey Bachara, thanking the chapter for its annual gifts to the Morton Grove, Ill., post. The gifts are for the care and comfort of U.S. armed forces and the wounded veterans at Hines Veterans Hospital.
North Carolina Chapter Provides Unique Experience for Local Realtors®
Photo above: ASHI Inspector Andy Hilton tells real estate agents how he evaluates a home.
Photo above: ASHI members from the Winston-Salem area are pictured with the listing agent for the vacant home where they helped educate realty agents on the thought process of an inspector at work.
Six NC-ASHI Chapter members, from the Winston-Salem, N.C. area, provided a unique experience for 30 REALTORS attending an event designed to educate them about what a home inspector does. The ASHI members were stationed throughout a vacant house. Small groups of agents moved from inspector to inspector. At each stop, the home inspector talked about the thought process of the inspection. The focus was not on finding specific problems in this house; rather, it was on understanding how the inspector thinks about the process.
This training event was a project of the Winston-Salem Regional Association of Realtors® Home Inspection Committee, an unusual gathering of agents and inspectors (there are only two in the 50 associations in N.C.), where it is encouraged to air gripes, worries and share respect for each other.
The committee currently is sending missionary teams to agents’ offices to deliver a guidance document on how to prepare a home for the inspection and to encourage conversation between agents and inspectors.
Submitted by John Woodmansee, ASHI member and co-chair of the Home Inspection Committee for the Winston-Salem Regional Association of Realtors®.
Western Washington Recommends Commercial Building Inspection Course
Photo above: Western Washington Chapter members and Richard Weldon, center, gather for a three-day commercial building inspection course.
Photo above: Richard Weldon, left, teaching in the field.
Thirteen people took advantage of the chapter’s three-day Commercial Building Inspection Course held December 6-8, 2010. Two were from Anchorage, Alaska; one was from Portland, Ore., and most of the local people drove more than 50 miles to attend. Our chapter’s profit is approximately $3,000, which is great since we didn’t even start to plan this event until the middle of September. I want to thank ASHI and CDW Engineering for making this excellent course available to our chapter. CDW Engineering provided comprehensive course materials and Richard Weldon is an outstanding instructor. His presentation was well-organized and thorough. In addition, he organized field exercises that added a tremendous amount of value to the course. There is no doubt that Richard is an
“expert” in this field.
I believe other ASHI chapters should take advantage of this opportunity as we did. I know of one inspector who joined our chapter just to take this course at the discounted rate.
Submitted by Darrell Marsolais.
NY Capital Region Sends A Message at Conference
Chapter President Robert David designed the graphics and Past President Joseph Pickel built the display that let attendees at a Realtors® conference in Albany, N.Y., know, “We’re Different, We’re Better, We’re ASHI.”
Submitted by Joseph Pickel.
Why join a chapter?
ASHI chapters offer the opportunity for all ASHI members to meet other home inspectors, network and learn. Get involved with ASHI at the local level.
How do I find a chapter?
See Pages 26-27 or go to to find the chapter nearest you.
Contact Russell Daniells at or 847-954-3185.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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