Kelsey wins at Leadership Conference

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2009


Congratulations to Mark Kelsey, ACI, Sturgeon, Mo. He won a full registration to InspectionWorld Las Vegas and a three-night stay at Bally’s when his name was drawn during the Leadership Training Conference. He is pictured above, left, accepting the prize from Russell Daniels, ASHI director of chapter relations.

Dues renewal grace period ends

Also, congratulations to all who have renewed their membership and will continue to receive the benefits of belonging to the society for another year.

Members who had not paid their dues or reported their continuing education hours in September were granted an extension. The extension ended November 30, 2009. Those who have not renewed will be dropped from the membership roles and will no longer appear on Find an Inspector.

For membership information, contact Sarah Walsh at

ASHI Certified Members elect Officers for 2010

On Oct. 31, voting members received the following ballot to elect ASHI’s officers.

For 2010 President-Elect:
Charles Gifford, Jacksonville, Fla.
Kurt Salomon, Salt Lake City, Utah

For 2010 Vice President:
Bill Jacques, Ravenel, S.C.

For 2010 Treasurer:
Marvin Goldstein, Southampton, Pa.

For 2010 Secretary:
Alden Gibson, Breslau, Ontario

The election closes Dec. 5, and the results will be announced in the January ASHI Reporter. The new officers will be installed at InspectionWorld.

For general information, contact Jeff Arnold,

Council Reps elect Directors

The following slate was presented Oct. 31 to those serving on the Council of Representatives. The five candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be directors; the sixth will be the alternate.

Michael Burroughs, Larry Cerro, Michael D. Conley, Andrew Kasznay, Keven H. Kossler, Bruce Labell, Mark Londner, Edward Massart, Donald A. Nelson, Randy Sipe

The election closes Dec. 5, and the results will be announced in the January ASHI Reporter. The new directors will be installed at InspectionWorld.

For general information, contact Jeff Arnold,

Important date for Council Representatives

The Annual Council of Representatives Meeting will be held at Bally’s hotel in Las Vegas Nev., Saturday, Jan. 16. Chapters are allowed to designate an alternate if their representative is unable to attend. Please request the appropriate form to designate an alternate prior to the meeting from Russell Daniels at HQ,

Volunteers needed

If you’d like to serve on a national committee in 2010, volunteer today.

Download and return the Call for Volunteer form from the Members Only Publications section on, or request a form from headquarters.

Contact Aldis at or 847-954-3177.

ASHI contracts for weekly industry e-newsletter

ASHI has contracted with Multi-View, to send a weekly e-mail newsletter to all members. It will provide industry-related news briefs. HQ will continue to send First Thing, but has discontinued The Inspector. Questions? Contact Bill Lewis,

Current ASHI membership

ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,682
Associates/Logo: 141
Associates: 1,852
Retired Members: 155
Affiliates: 87
Total: 5,920

ASHI calendar of events

  • Jan. 16, 2010, Council of Representatives meeting,  Las Vegas, Nev.
  • Jan. 17, 2010, Board meeting, Las Vegas, Nev.
  • April 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • July 24, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Oct 23, 2010, Board Meeting, Rosemont, Ill.
  • Jan. 25-28, 2011, InspectionWorld, Atlanta, Ga.
  • Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, Nev.

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