Keep Your Name on “Find an “Inspector”

by Edited by ASHI Staff November 1, 2011

Time is running out. Renew your membership now to continue receiving all the benefits, including: 

  • Listed on “Find an Inspector” so prospects can find and contact you.
  • Being associated with the only third-party recognized home inspector certifying body. Eligible for free online Smart Track and other educational opportunities.
  • 12 issues of the ASHI Reporter, online and in print.
  • Professional representation in Washington, D.C., & more.  

 If you have questions, contact Sarah Walsh,

2012 Call for Volunteers

For your society, your business & your future – volunteer
Your affiliation with ASHI means you are recognized as a leader in your profession. As a volunteer leader, you are the key to the society’s success. Your active participation on an ASHI committee or task force helps enhance and expand our programs and will help in the implementation of ASHI’s Strategic Plan.

What’s in it for you as an ASHI volunteer?

  • Shape ASHI’s future and give back to your profession
  • Contribute to ASHI’s mission and vision
  • Network with your peers to form business & personal relationships
  • Be recognized for your involvement and support
  • Enhance your leadership skills
  • Share your ideas and expertise  

Do you have the skills and enthusiasm necessary to help ASHI achieve its goals and objectives? If so, let the committee chairs know you’re willing to serve in 2012 by filling out and returning the 2012 Call for Volunteers form. Request the form by emailing headquarters at, or download it from the Members-Only website under Downloads and Forms.

Order Personalized Technical Brochures on the new ASHI Marketplace!

Personalized marketing brochures covering technical topics quickly became the hot item on the new ASHI Marketplace. Could you use them to promote your business? You must be an ASHI member to purchase the educational and marketing materials and ASHI apparel. Go there now.

New e-Learning Catalog on

A full catalog of learning experiences now is available to you. This wealth of home inspection-specific information has been compiled in response to what could be described as members’ insatiable appetite for education.

Earn ASHI, State-Required CEs

Continuing Education (CE) claim forms are being distributed with dues notices. There’s still time and ways to earn the hours required by ASHI and some states.

SMART TRACK online learning is free to ASHI members and also is accepted by the following states:

Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Washington.  

Roofing, Exterior, Heating, Electrical, Interior, Structure,
Plumbing, Cooling, Wood Heating and Insulation are approved for two CEs. Professional Practice is not included. 

Access to SMART TRACK™ recently changed, but instructions appear on the introduction page. Visit the ASHI website for this and other educational offerings.

The ASHI@Home Training System also is approved for ASHI CEs.

Changes to Standards Proposed: Comments Invited

Proposed changes to the ASHI Standards of Practice for Home Inspections are available for public comment on the ASHI website at Comments are welcome from all interested parties. 

Please email your comments to Bruce Barker, Standards Committee chair, at Please include all of the following in your comments:

  1. The clause number about which you are commenting.
  2. Proposed alternative wording for the clause.
  3. Reasons why your proposed alternative wording improves the standards.

The comment period closes on December 31, 2011.


Officer Election in Progress
Ballots listing the Officer Slate for 2012 were emailed to ASHI’s voting members on October 31. Voting members who do not have an email on file at headquarters were sent a paper ballot.

Officer Slate for 2012
President-elect: Bill Jacques
Vice president: Bill Loden
* Treasurer: Alden Gibson
* Secretary: Scott Warga

*This is a correction from the October ASHI Reporter.

The election closes on Dec. 5, 2011. The deadline for requesting a petition has passed.

15.9A Policy: Campaigning
1. Campaigning positively by or about any candidate is permissible, as long as no ASHI assets are used.

2. Staff, Nominating Committee, ASHI legal counsel, and Election Committee members shall not participate in campaigning.

3. Nominees or Petition Candidates for an Officer or Board of Director position may purchase mailing labels or lists of qualified voting members’ contact information from headquarters at cost. The mailing list will only have the USPS address of the member. Email addresses and fax numbers will not be provided to any individual, petition candidate or nominated candidate. Revised 7/30/2011

4. Negative campaigning (against candidates or nominees) is not permitted. The Election Committee should preview campaign statements or materials in advance if there is any uncertainty about the appropriateness of their contents.

5. Election and Campaign policies shall be published in the Reporter for three consecutive months prior to the formation of a slate for an election.

Gifford Resigns: Jacques Appointed

The Board of Directors voted unanimously to accept President Kurt Salomon’s appointment of Bill Jacques to the fill the vacancy created by the September resignation of Vice President Charles Gifford, who has served on the ASHI Board as a director, treasurer and vice president and on the 2006 Membership Category Name Change task force and, more recently, as the chair of the Chapter task force and co-chair of the ASHI Membership Subcommittee.

Jacques, who is slated as 2012 president elect, is serving as vice president until the installation of the new officers and directors at InspectionWorld Phoenix in January.

Council to Elect Directors

The Directors Nominating Committee announced the following slate to present to current Council Representatives: 

Eric Barker, Tim Buell, Michael D. Conley, Shannon Cory, C. Blaine Illingworth, Jory Lannes, Frank Libero, Bob Sisson and Bill Sutton

The election of directors is covered in the ASHI Bylaws and in the CoR Policy and Procedures Manual on the ASHI website, in the Members-Only section under Publications. 

The five candidates receiving the most votes will be elected to the ASHI Board for a three-year term. The sixth will become the Alternate. No one had requested a petition form as of mid-October.

While in Phoenix, visit the Musical Instrument Museum!

Jack Fehlandt, Retired ACI, writes:

This museum houses a unique collection of thousands of different musical instruments from all over the world. State-of-the-art audio and video bring them to life for each visitor. During two trips to Phoenix in 2011, my wife and I spent seven hours at the museum and still have not seen or experienced everything on display there. Displays and hands-on exhibits are constantly being added and improved. It’s open seven days a week, adult admission is $15 and it’s only 14.9 miles from the Arizona Biltmore. Of course, one of the best ways to learn more is to visit the museum’s website. Go to Enjoy!

To register for InspectionWorld, go to

New ASHI Home Page Features Education

The ASHI home page was recently redesigned to emphasize some of ASHI’s priorities. There is now an Education section prominently displayed, which features the new e-Learning Catalog, The ASHI School and ASHI Education, Inc. The “Find a Home Inspector” button was enlarged so potential clients can’t miss it. ASHI recognizes that gaining business is a key benefit of membership. Social media was brought up from the bottom of the page to make it easier to connect. Go to and take a look. While you’re there, log in and make sure your profile is up-to-date so you have the best opportunity to attract business. Questions or comments? Email We like to hear from you.

ASHI Event Calendar

  • Jan. 4, 2012, Board Meeting, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • Jan. 4-7, 2012, InspectionWorld, Phoenix, Ariz.
  • Jan. 13-16, 2013, InspectionWorld, Las Vegas, NV

Current ASHI Membership
ASHI Certified Inspectors: 3,473
Associates/Logo: 126
Associates: 1,589
Retired Members: 122
Affiliates: 80
Total: 5,390

ASHI Mission Statement
To set and promote standards for property inspections and to provide the educational programs needed to achieve excellence in the profession.

ASHI Staff: Russell K. Daniels

Russell K. Daniels joined ASHI 10 years ago as the manager of sales & operations. After a few months, he was promoted to director of sales & operations. Russell is currently the director of membership services & chapter relations. He manages the membership team at headquarters, researching benefits and providing support for its members and chapters. In addition, Russell manages the ASHI Online Marketplace, as well as the ASHI headquarters facility. He brings to the society more than 34 years of experience in both association and non-profit organizations. His career includes employment at the Options Clearing Corp., The MacArthur Foundation and the Academy of General Dentistry. He is known by the membership as a very compassionate individual and always is willing to help them with ways of growing their business by diversification. On a personal note, Russell is the assistant pastor of Pentecostal Temple Church of God in Christ, located on the South Side of Chicago. When he is not tending to the flock, he is enjoying his three grandchildren.

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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In this Issue

Professional Networking

Grow your professional network, find a mentor, network with the best, and best part of the community that’s making home inspection better every day.