July 24, 2010 ASHI Board of Directors Meeting Report Out

by Edited by ASHI Staff September 1, 2010

This is a report to the membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held on July 24, 2010, in Rosemont, Ill. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at their next meeting, October 23, 2010, in Rosemont, Ill. We encourage you to review this report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board. Should you have questions on any of these items, you are encouraged to contact any member of the Board of Directors to discuss.

(Note: Contact information for the Board is available in the Online Membership Directory.)

Consent agenda
Consent agenda items are those that do not require debate or dialogue in order for the Board to take action. The Board reviewed and approved the motion to endorse BuildFax, a building permit database that will be available to ASHI Members.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the April 23, 2010, Board meeting were approved and the minutes of the June 30, 2010, Board conference call were reviewed and approved as amended.

Executive director’s report

2010 Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives– The Board discussed the current ASHI Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan will circulate to the ASHI Committee chairs for feedback to be given to the Board in October 2010, after which the current work plan will be updated.

The Certification Committee appointed two public members to the committee: Kara Schmidt and Beth Taylor, one voting and one non-voting.

ASHI Headquarters has been collecting chapter rosters for the purpose of verification with the national database. There was a consensus by the Board to extend the July 1, 2010, deadline for roster collection from the chapters to August 16, 2010.

The Board approved the following motions:

A. To submit ASHI Standards of Professional Practice for Swimming Pool and Spa Inspections to the voting members.

B. To submit ASHI Standards of Professional Practice for Residential Predrywall Inspections to the voting members.

Chapter Task Force
The Chapter Task Force presented its report to the Board, which was discussed in depth. It was the consensus of the Board that the Chapter Task Force develop a webinar to be offered to the Board of Directors, Chapter Leaders and CoR Group Leaders. The purpose of the webinar presentation would be to share the results of the Chapter Task Force Report and request feedback, and to allow the ability to download the Chapter Task Force Report and Chapter Roster Verification Report. There will be an invitation for the Board, Chapter Presidents and CoR Group Leaders to participate in a feedback and focus group session on this report in Chicago, to be held in conjunction with the Leadership Training Conference in October 2010.

Governance Task Force
The Governance Task Force presented its report to the Board, which was discussed in depth. The Board of Directors and Council of Representatives worked closely together toward consensus on appropriate enhancements to ASHI’s governance. A motion was passed to accept the ASHI Bylaws proposal as amended and send it to the ASHI Bylaws Committee for review. After the Bylaws Committee has reviewed the proposal, it will be sent back to the ASHI Board of Directors to determine whether or not the Bylaws will be submitted to the voting members for a vote this fall.

Unfinished business
A motion was passed by the Board to extend the suspension of Policy and Procedure 7.1.a and 7.1.b until the January 2011 Board meeting.

Other reports
ASHI Education, Inc. – Bill Lewis gave a report summarizing accomplishments from the AEI Board meeting and described educational opportunities being made available to chapters.

The ASHI School – Barton Robertson gave a report on The ASHI School enrollment, noting that 95 students have taken The ASHI School two-week course and 51 of those are new ASHI members.

ASHI’s lobbyist, Randy Pence, provided a written highlight of current government affairs issues involving direct action by ASHI.

Reports were presented by the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Finance Committee, Headquarters Staff and Legal Counsel.

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