July 14, 2007 ASHI Board of Directors Meeting Report Out
This is a report to the membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held on July 14, 2007, in Pittsburgh, Pa. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval
at its next meeting, Oct. 19, 2007, in Rosemont, Illinois.
We encourage you to review this report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI board. Should you have questions on any of these items, you are encouraged to contact any member of the board to discuss.
Approval of Minutes
Board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. These include:
Minutes of the April 14, 2007, Board Meeting as amended on site.
Minutes of the May 24, 2007, Board Teleconference Meeting as distributed.
Committee Motions
As a result of the work within the committees, task forces and staff, the following motions were presented and approved:
Finance Committee/Treasurer’s Report
A motion was approved to adopt the 2007-2008 Budget as presented by the Finance Committee.
A motion was approved to engage Ahlbeck & Co. to conduct the year-end Sept. 30, 2007, Audit.
The Board reviewed and accepted the May 2007 year-to-date financial statements as presented.
B. Conference Planning Committee
1. A motion was approved to designate Las Vegas, Nevada, as the location of InspectionWorld 2010. The conference will be held Jan. 17-20, 2010.
2. A motion was approved to request the Conference Planning Committee to research Kansas City, Mo., and Conn. as possible Town Hall sites for 2008.
Conflict of Interest Task Force
A motion was approved stating that any ASHI Certified Inspector shall not hold the position of officer or director in ASHI national while simultaneously holding a position of officer or director in any other competing national home inspector association at either the national or local level.
D. Web Site Work Group Progress Report
1. A motion was approved that empowers the Web site task group to work with IT consultant Paul Apostolos, and staff in the development of the new ASHI Web site. The proposal presented is accepted in principle, with negotiations delegated to this task group, with final contract approved by the Finance Committee and legal counsel. This task group will be chaired by Kurt Salomon with George Harper, Les Van Alstine, Bob Peterson and four additional members at large.
E. Chapter Relations Committee
1. A motion was approved to approve the formation of an Iowa Chapter of ASHI.
Other Motions
Old Business
A motion was approved to remove the seventh bullet in the motion to amend ASHI’s online Officer Ballot. The seventh bullet stated: “At the bottom of each ballot page, there will also be a back to matrix button that will open up side-by-side Matrixes of the positions (sic) candidates.”
New Business
A motion was approved to authorize consultant Tim Hosey to conduct an exit interview with Rob Paterkiewicz and report back to the board. In addition, Mr. Hosey is authorized to conduct motivational audits with staff.
The following motion was approved: The Board of Directors authorizes the current Executive Director’s Evaluation Committee to function as the new Executive Director Search Committee with the addition of four members chosen by the chair. One member will be an alternate who will be part of discussions, but will not travel for meetings.
The committee will be responsible for creating a job description, a matrix to evaluate candidate’s qualifications, research and develop an appropriate compensation package, conduct interviews and present to the board a recommendation for a new executive director.
The committee may use the services of an independent search firm, as appropriate within the budget, to be established by the board. The committee shall work with the Finance Committee and develop a budget for this project to present to the board for approval.
The committee will include the following members:
- Joe Corsetto, ASHI immediate past-president, chair
- Frank Lesh, ASHI president
- Brion Grant, ASHI president-elect
- David Tamny, ASHI treasurer
- Bill Loden, Board-selected representative
- Charles Gifford, selected by chair
- Mark Cramer, selected by chair
- Mike Sterling, selected by chair
- Alternate: Bill Coull, selected by chair
Miscellaneous Reports
In the board meeting, various reports are given. At this meeting, reports were provided to the board from committees and task forces, the council of representatives, headquarters and legal counsel.
Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz reported that a health insurance benefit through Empyrean Benefit Solutions has been delayed pending the definition of one final term. Dick Bennett was directed to continue working with Empyrean to reach a solution.
The board of directors thanked outgoing Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz for his 12 years of dedicated service to ASHI and wished him well in his future endeavors. President Frank Lesh announced that the board had selected Dick Bennett, ASHI’s director of finance and administration, to serve as the acting executive director upon Rob Paterkiewicz’s departure.
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