July 12, 2008, ASHI Board of Directors Report Out

by Jeff Arnold September 1, 2008

This is a report to the membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held July 12, 2008, in Rosemont, Ill. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official meeting minutes will be presented for board approval at its next meeting, October 18, 2008, in New Orleans, La.

We encourage you to review this report to be informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board of Directors. Should you have questions, you are encouraged to contact any of ASHI’s officers or directors.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes for the April 12, 2008 board meeting were reviewed and approved by the board.

Motions Approved

As a result of the work within the committees, task forces and staff, the following motions were presented and approved:

After hearing excellent dynamic presentations by two public relations firms, the board approved the following motions:

It authorized the funds necessary to carry through on ASHI’s commitment to an effective and high-profile public relations program.

It authorized staff to negotiate a contract with the PR firm Gibbs and Soell for public relations services beginning in
October 2008.

The strategic work plan for ASHI was approved as written by the officers, committee chairs and staff. This plan will be administered by the staff and will be a “living document,” meaning it will be continuously reviewed and modified as necessary.

To revise existing Policy and Procedures 14.1B2: Procedure: Registration Exemptions as follows:

There shall be a reciprocal agreement between ASHI and Canadian Association of Home and Property Inspectors (CAHPI) to invite the president and/or appropriate liaison of CAHPI to attend InspectionWorld as long as the president and/or appropriate liaison of ASHI is invited to attend CAHPI’s annual conference. Conference fees will be waived by each organization, but all travel and per diem expenses will be borne by the sending organization.

To revise existing Policy and Procedures 15.10A2: Election Committee, as follows:

The committee will consist of three (3) past-presidents willing to serve. The president-elect shall recommend to the board a new committee member each year. Terms of the three (3) committee members will be three (3) years. The committee chairperson will be the member in the third year of his/her term. If a member resigns from the committee, the ASHI president will appoint a replacement to fill the remaining term.

A motion from the Chapter Relations Committee to dissolve the ASHI Mt. Baker Chapter in Washington state was approved.

The Finance Committee recommended and the Board
approved the following revision to Policy 5.1A: Finance
Committee Responsibilities:

The charges of the Finance Committee shall include, but are not limited to:

The Finance Committee shall always submit a realistic
balanced budget that includes a line item for reserves;
G. A motion to rescind Policy 14.2A3 on having a Board of Directors Roundtable meeting at InspectionWorld was

Miscellaneous Reports

Various reports are given at board meetings. At this meeting, reports were provided to the board from committees and task forces, the Council of Representatives, staff and legal counsel.

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