Japanese Official Expresses Gratitude
“Thank you very much for your kind explanation when I visited ASHI headquarters,” wrote Yasuhiro Kushida, of Japan’s Housing Policy Division.
He said his conversation with ASHI Member Frank Lesh and ASHI Executive Director Rob Paterkiewicz influenced the inclusion of home inspection in a program proposed by the Housing Bureau to develop the Japanese housing market.
“This program is only in the concept stage,” he explained, “and we have to more work to do. As we have no professional home inspectors in Japan, we will start by using non-profit organizations that are now evaluating and rating newly constructed housing.”
This is the second delegation from Japan that sought out ASHI for advice. In November 2000, representatives from the Government Housing Loan Corporation of Japan met with ASHI Member James Dunsing and former ASHI representative Noël Zak. With so little known about independent home inspections outside of North America, ASHI’s door will always be open to international visitors seeking to learn more about the service and the profession.
Dues time
Second dues notices were mailed in September. Help your Society by promptly paying your dues. Also, please review the invoice and if necessary update personal data to ensure the information on file is current.
ASHI @ Home on-line
ASHI @ Home training program is now available online. For more information, call 1-800-743-2744, select option 7 or visit ashi.com.
Could you contribute?
Start thinking now about what you have to offer your organization. Be prepared to respond to the annual call for volunteers when it’s issued.
Reserve exhibit booth early
The ASHI exhibit booth is available on a first-come, first-served basis to chapters for shipping and insurance – to Members for a reasonable fee. It is in demand, so contact jaimee@ashi.com as soon as you know the dates you want to use it.
Mark your calendar
• October 26, 2001, Chapter Leadership Day, Chicago, Ill.
• October 27, 2001, Board Meeting, Chicago, Ill.
• December 8, 2001, Committee Leadership Workshop,
Chicago, Ill.
• January 12, 2002, COR Meeting, New Orleans, La.
• January 13, 2002, Board meeting, New Orleans, La.
• January 14-16, 2002, InspectionWorld, New Orleans, La.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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