January 21, 2009, ASHI Board of Directors Meeting Report Out

by Edited by ASHI Staff March 1, 2009

This is a report to the membership of the official actions taken during the Board of Directors meeting held on January 21, 2009, in Orlando, Fla. These are not the official meeting minutes, as discussion items and withdrawn and failed motions are not included. The official minutes of this meeting will be presented for Board approval at its next meeting, April 17, 2009, in Rosemont, Ill.

We encourage you to review this report in order to be fully informed of actions taken on your behalf by the ASHI Board. Should you have questions on any of these items, you are encouraged to contact any member of the Board of Directors to discuss.

(Note: Contact information for the Board is available in every issue of the ASHI Reporter, and in the Online Membership Directory.)

Approval of Minutes
Minutes for the October 17 & 18, 2008, Board meeting and the December 4, 2008, teleconference were reviewed and approved by the Board.

Motions Approved

As a result of the work within the committees, task forces and staff, the following motions were presented and approved:

Certification Committee

The Board of Directors approves the following individuals on ASHI’s Certification Committee pending membership ratification of bylaws and NCCA application acceptance. The following members and their terms of office are approved. 2009 will be considered the first year regardless of when the requirements are fulfilled.

Brendan Ryan, chairman: 2-year term, Bill Richardson’s president-elect appointment, chairman for first year (each year, the committee elects a new chair)

Jim Hemsell: 2-year term

JD Grewell: 2-year term

Paul Staron: 1-year term (to be replaced by president-elect David Tamny at next year’s committee chair cycle)

Bill Jacques: 1-year term (to be replaced at next election cycle)

Joe Kelly: 1-year term (to be replaced at next election cycle)

Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director: Permanent non-voting member

A public member will be appointed by the first committee.

ASHI Executive Director Succession Plan
Adopted an Executive Director Succession Plan to provide a plan to ASHI and its Board should the executive director be unable to perform his or her duties.

Energy Efficiency Inspection Legislation
ASHI endorses congressional legislation that, for a two-year period, encourages homeowners and/or homebuyers to voluntarily obtain energy-efficiency inspections by qualified professional home inspectors in conformance with current building science that are paid for by the federal government.

Approval of Ancillary Standards by the Board of Directors
The Standards Committee recommends changes to wording. The addition of the procedure to first gain majority board approval of a proposed standard prior to the committee pursuing development. Setting the and the affirmation of Board voting percentage required to ACCEPT reject override a committee proposed draft recommended change to a particular Ancillary Standard at a simple majority 2/3. The addition of a procedure for changing Ancillary standards that reflects the current requirements outlined in 10.1A and 10.2 B of this Chapter. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Ancillary Standards as amended.

Creation of The ASHI Foundation

The Board of Directors of the American Society of Home Inspectors hereby approves and adopts the Not-for-Profit Illinois Articles of Incorporation and the Bylaws for The ASHI Foundation as submitted, with the addition that the membership can attend the meetings.

2007-2008 Audit

The Board of Directors reviewed and accepted the 2007-2008 audit and report provided by independent auditors Desmond & Ahern, Ltd.

Miscellaneous Reports

In the Board meeting, various reports are given. At this meeting, reports were provided to the Board from Committees and Task Forces, the Council of Representatives, Headquarters staff and Legal Counsel.

Call for Presentations

The ASHI Education Committee is asking for presentation proposals for InspectionWorld 2010 in Las Vegas, Nev. To be considered, presenters must submit the appropriate form by April 1, 2009. Download the form from the ASHI Web site, Members Only, Documents. Or contact Bill Lewis, director of business development & education, at bill@ashi.org or 847-954-3187.

ASHI and IAQA Announce Agreement

The American Society of Home Inspectors and the Indoor Air Quality Association Join Forces to Clear the Air for Homes and Homeowners

The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and the Indoor Air Quality Association (IAQA), associations recognized as leaders within their industries, formalized a memorandum of understanding to establish a working relationship. Although indoor air quality is beyond the scope of a visual home inspection, both organizations know that homebuyers, sellers and owners turn to ASHI members with their home-related concerns. Through research and education, ASHI and IAQA intend to protect consumers and their properties from health dangers and damages related to indoor air quality.
“During a routine home inspection, an inspector may identify a system or type of material that releases potentially dangerous particles into the air,” said ASHI’s executive director Jeff Arnold. “By aligning our groups, we’re ensuring that members of each organization are aware of the function and activities of the other so that when the time comes, we can work in concert to identify potential problems and risks, offer solutions and educate consumers.

“IAQA and ASHI share similar values and beliefs about helping consumers and members,” added Glenn Fellman, IAQA executive director.“ Both associations have stringent membership requirements and rigorous education programs. This new understanding establishes formal lines of communication between our two groups so that IAQA members can easily refer their customers to professional home inspectors and ASHI inspectors, in turn, know who to turn to for thorough indoor environmental assessments.”

Aside from the reciprocal referrals, the organizations will align closely at the senior-executive level on broad public awareness and education efforts and research activities.

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