It’s Spring: Make Room for New Things!

by Frank Lesh April 1, 2017

As usual, things are happening at ASHI. Ever since we returned from another successful InspectionWorld®, we’ve been busy implementing the initiatives from the national board meeting, as well as those from many other meetings and conversations we had while we were in Las Vegas.

In last month’s column, I told you about the new Insight app that Carson Dunlop developed. At the time I’m writing this column, the app is still being offered free of charge to ASHI members. If you haven’t checked it out yet, be sure to take advantage of this opportunity while you can. Visit to get all the details.

Another great idea is being developed by Bronson Anderson, ACI, who will be hosting monthly podcasts for inspectors. Bronson will be interviewing inspectors and experts involved in the home inspection profession. Soon, inspectors will be able to download these podcasts, and hear about timely topics and inspection tips from experts in the field. The beauty of podcasts is that you can listen to them whenever it’s convenient for you—even during “windshield time” on your way to inspections. ASHI staff members are looking forward to working with Bronson and others to develop this form of communication. If you have suggestions for topics or if you’d like to be interviewed, please contact Arlene Zapata (

Free Logos
We are proud to announce that record numbers of new inspectors are joining ASHI every month. ASHI is happy to welcome our new members and support them as they become successful inspectors. One way we offer support is by creating business logos for our members. To learn more about how to access this valuable service, visit the ASHI website, choose the “Members-Only” tab and select “How to Videos.” There, you can view a video that describes how easy it is to have the ASHI staff help you design a custom logo for your business. The designs are unique and they are provided to you free of charge. It’s just part of what we do for our members to earn our keep.

Market Your Business
Another helpful way that we can contribute to your success is through our Print on Demand site. The redesigned brochures you’ll see there have been carefully crafted to impart a quality image to your clients. The colorful, tactile feel of these brochures will help set you apart from your competitors. And, of course, your contact information will be displayed prominently, so you’ll be easy to reach. On the ASHI website, visit the “Members-Only” tab and select “How to Videos” to view details about the accessing Print on Demand benefit.

Get More Clients
Also, be sure to take advantage of having your personal profile on the ASHI website. Every ASHI member is invited to set up a profile, and keep it updated with your qualifications and other information for potential clients. For example, if you perform radon, mold or pest control inspections, you can include that information in your profile. Likewise, if you specialize in inspecting historic homes or new construction, if you offer EIFS inspections, or if you can prepare and provide expert witness testimony, be sure to list those specialties in your profile. You can select up to eight specialties from more than 50 options on the list. All of this information can help set you apart from the rest and showcase your qualifications to prospective clients. To get started or to update your current profile, visit the ASHI website, select the “Members-Only” tab and choose the tutorials about membership profiles in the “How to Videos.”

I encourage all members to spend a little time on the ASHI website. There is so much information there that will help you in your business.

Win a Complimentary IW 2018 Registration
We even started a new and exciting program to keep you even more engaged with ASHI’s online information. Every month, when you read ASHI’s e-newsletter, “Another Thing,” you can click on a link to be entered into a monthly drawing for a fabulous assortment of ASHI swag. In addition to having the chance to win a monthly swag prize, for each month you participate, your name will be entered into a drawing for a complimentary IW conference registration! The winner will be randomly selected at the end of the year from everyone who entered this monthly e-newsletter program. So, if you participate every month from now until the next IW, you’ll have racked up several chances to win a complimentary registration to IW 2018 in Orlando!

I hope everyone is as busy as we are here at ASHI HQ. If you’re not, I suggest that you get to work on building your profile on the ASHI website so that people who go to “Find an Inspector” will see just how multi-talented you are!

Frank Lesh, Executive Director
American Society of Home Inspectors
Direct: 847-954-3182 •


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