It’s Award Time in New England
During its annual meeting, the New England Chapter recognized members who had gone above and beyond what was expected to ensure the chapter was successful. Bob Mulloy accepted the 2008 President’s award for his work on the chapter’s Education Committee. Sophie Mushinsky was recognized for her contributions to chapter relations and her work as the registration secretary. Guy Occhino’s contributions to the Education and Raffle Committees earned him the 2008 Member of the Year award.
Photo, l to r: Guy Occhino, Sophie Mushinsky, Bob Mulloy. Photo submitted by Lisa Alajajian-Giroux, New England Chapter president.
Founding Members Help CelebratE Western NY Anniversary
The Western New York Chapter celebrated its 10th anniversary in December 2008 by presenting awards to its founding members, Mike Poli, John Good, David Clark, Leonard Aldrich and Bill Merrill.
Jack Kamann, New York State Association of Home Inspectors (NYSAHI), spoke to those attending, which included the chapter’s 2009 Board of Directors; Andrew Utnik, vice president/treasurer; David Clark, president; Mark Bonvissuto, director; and Bob Goldsmith, secretary.
Photo: Western New York Chapter founding members, standing l to r: Mike Poli, John Good, VP Andy Utnik presenting awards and David Clark. Not present: Bill Merrill and Leonard Aldrich. Looking on are Kevin Czosek and Don Murray.
Photo: 2009 Western New York Chapter Board of Directors, l to r: Andrew Utnik, vice president/treasurer; David Clark, president; Mark Bonvissuto, chapter director; Bob Goldsmith, secretary.
Photos submitted by Dave Clark, WNYASHI president.
Arizona sponsors pool school and CPR Class
Past and present chapter presidents were among those who participated in the pool school and CPR class held by the Arizona Chapter, February 21, in Scottsdale.
Photo of Arizona Chapter presidents: front row, l to r: Neil Brogren, Mike Williams, Bruce LaBell, Randy West. Back row, l to r: Allan Blaker, David Swartz, Bryck Guibor, Cole Greenberg.
Photo at right: Candid from the CPR class.
Photos submitted by Bruce LaBell.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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