It’s a Wrap! InspectionWorld California Goes Down in History as “Best Ever”

by Angela Orlando March 1, 2007

“InspectionWorld 2007 was the best ever!”

“This was the very best IW that I have attended.”

“Let me congratulate you all on once again presenting a seamless, well-run and educational conference. The presenters were most enjoyable and informative, and the events were far too much fun!”

These are just a few of the comments we received IW2.gif post-conference, and we have to agree, this was an overall fantastic event. From top-notch facilities to quality education to a vibrant and busy exhibit hall, InspectionWorld California definitely proved itself to be the must-attend event for 2007.

Close to 1,100 people were on hand at the Disneyland IW4.gif Hotel during the second week of January to take advantage of all the conference had to offer. Those who came in a few days early were met with sunny skies and unseasonably warm weather. The rest were subjected to the standard IW curse of unseasonably COLD weather, but the chill in the air did nothing to dampen the spirits of the profession’s top inspectors, vendors and guests!

On the educational front, full conference registrants earned 20 MRCs by participating in their choice of 36 IW5.gif sessions spanning four unique tracks — Back to Basics, Commercial and Special Topics, Advanced Technical and Business Development OR by participating in the dedicated Code Track. Rave reviews have been recorded on the majority of these sessions, which featured some of the best and brightest educators in the profession. By the way, if you missed any of these sessions or are just looking for a refresher course, conference audio tapes are available for purchase at

Moving from education to exhibits, the crowds were buzzing about all of the great new products available. And the vendors definitely felt the buzz. As one of our valued exhibitors put it, “We had a great time and felt the show was well worth the expense.” 

From our angle, it looked as though all of the exhibitors were having a great show, as during unopposed exhibit times, just about every booth had a crowd of attendees waiting to get more information!

In addition to the great education program and the bustling exhibit hall, attendees also had ample opportunity to kick back, relax, network and have fun by IW6.gif participating in a variety of social events. From the opening night reception, “Greetings from California,” to the closing night President’s Gala, “old Hollywood Nights,” attendees ate, drank and danced the night away — while sneaking away from the festivities to take a ride or two (or ten) on the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. And, if the loud sounds of disappointment that came from the crowd when the band stopped and the lights came up at 11:00 p.m. are any indication, we could pretty much say that a grand time was had by all.

By the way, if you happened to be caught by the lens of our roving photographer, or if you just want to see who was, be sure to visit, where all conference photos are available for viewing and purchase.

Overall, InspectionWorld 2007 could be summed up as a rousing success, and we are eager to repeat that success next year, as InspectionWorld descends on the Hilton New Orleans Riverside on January 16-19, 2008. More details on next year’s event will be coming soon.

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