“It Ain’t Your Daddy’s ASHI”
“It ain’t your daddy’s ASHI,” Bill Richardson told InspectionWorld attendees shortly after taking the reins as president for 2009.
Each year, the incoming president fulfills ceremonial and networking duties at the conference, several of which are pictured here. There’s also a lot of work to be done away from the camera as ASHI’s leaders discuss the plans and programs that will shape the coming year.
In Report from the President on page 38, Richardson makes the case for one of the reasons he believes this ain’t your daddy’s ASHI — diversification. During the conference, he spoke publicly about the need for additional education to support diversification and to prepare ASHI members for today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities.
For Richardson, the other officers, directors, Council speaker, numerous leaders and the executive director, the focus during InspectionWorld was on getting the Society off to a productive start for 2009.
Photo: 1. ASHI 2009 President Bill Richardson and his wife, Angela, at IW Orlando.
Photo: 2009 ASHI officers being sworn in.
Photo: Bill Richardson, right, congratulates and thanks Brion Grant for serving as 2008 ASHI president.
Eye on Washington
Those charged with overseeing legislation issues were brought up-to-date on the activity in Washington, D.C., by Randall Pence, ASHI’s federal lobbyist. In addition, Pence was directed to do what was necessary to continue ASHI’s influence on matters related to home inspectors, the real estate industry and small businesses. Later this year, Richardson and Jeff Arnold, ASHI executive director/CEO, will join Pence in Washington for a series of meetings with representatives from federal agencies and legislators.
Networking with other organizations
During the annual National Coalition of Home Inspector Associations (NCHIA) meeting, representatives from several state organizations reported on local conditions and concerns and discussed how home inspector organizations could support each other on matters of shared interest.
Certification progress report
The conference offered the perfect opportunity for leaders to get a progress report on achieving accreditation as a certifying organization. Brendan Ryan, ASHI director and task force chair, reported all was on schedule and discussed future steps with the leaders working on this project (see sidebar, at the end of this article).
The business of ASHI
InspectionWorld is all about outstanding educational sessions, productive networking and fun social events. Also, it’s where and when ASHI conducts its business and prepares for the new year. From the meeting of council representatives, through the Board meeting, culminating with the passing of the torch to new officers and directors, ASHI conducts the business necessary to ensure it will be here for its membership for another year. Oh, and has some fun doing so ‘cause “It ain’t your daddy’s ASHI.” (More about that to come.)
One Step Closer to Certification
In December, ASHI Director Brendan Ryan reported ASHI was preparing to apply to the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA) to become a recognized credentialing body.
This was the next step in providing members with third-party-recognized certification at no additional cost and with no changes in membership requirements.
At InspectionWorld, he announced the application would be submitted to NCCA, the professional services accreditation arm of NOCA in February. This organization was chosen because, like ASHI in home inspection, it is the recognized leader in setting quality standards for credentialing organizations.
Why is this important to ASHI members?
Certified has become a common term with little meaning unless it is granted by an organization whose certification program has been accredited by a third party.
Accredited associations are held in higher regard by the media, state and federal governments, affiliated groups and the legal community.
ASHI believes it members deserve this additional badge of professional competence. When it appeared it could be obtained at no additional cost to members and without changes in membership category requirements, the board of directors authorized Ryan and his task force to undertake the quest.
If the application is accepted, ASHI will present a proposal to ASHI voting members to add a Certification Committee, which requires an addition to the Bylaws. ASHI members are encouraged to learn more about NOCA and NCCA by visiting www.noca.org. NOCA’s vision statement illustrates why ASHI choose this organization for accreditation.
NOCA vision statement
NOCA will be the global authority on credentialing and NCCA will be the global authority in accreditation of certification programs.
The general consumer will understand the value of credentialing and recognize the NCCA mark as representative of quality certification programs.
The value of member benefits and resources will drive all certification organizations to join NOCA and aspire to achieve NCCA accreditation of their credentialing programs.
NOCA will drive the global transformation to excellence in competency assessment and credentialing.
Watch for continuing reports as the process moves forward. Questions and comments are welcome. E-mail them to HQ@ashi.org, to be forwarded to the task force.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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