InspectPAC and You

by Frank Lesh January 1, 2014

InspectPAC and You

InspectPAC is your Political Action Fund – the only such fund in Washington, DC, dedicated solely to help re-elect Members of Congress who believe in a strong home inspection profession.

ASHI’s pro-home inspection lobbying – with InspectPAC support – is having positive impacts that are exceptional for any professional association of any size. ASHI is distinguishing itself in this regard.

The following is a brief synopsis of ASHI lobbying initiatives that affect your revenues, your business, your bottom line – all of which are supported by your voluntary contributions to InspectPAC:

  • ASHI persuaded Congress to pass comprehensive legislation (drafted by ASHI) that requires HUD to broadly incorporate home inspection into the HUD housing counseling programs.
  • In response to prodding from ASHI’s allies on Capitol Hill, HUD has now proposed that all HUD housing counseling programs – even individual counselors — be certified to provide HUD counseling to homebuyers on the availability and importance of obtaining an independent home inspection.
  • Further, HUD is now proposing to amend its FHA Single Family Housing Policy Handbook to require all FHA mortgage lenders to prompt mortgage applicants at the first contact – to consider obtaining a home inspection. All FHA lenders would need to provide “For Your Protection – Get a Home Inspection” to your potential clients – at the first mortgage meeting.
  • ASHI is making plans to take these precedents to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to further brand home inspection as a form of consumer protection. ASHI’s Capitol Hill allies are helping. ASHI has already convinced CFPB that homebuyers must be told that the appraisal is NOT a home inspection.
  • In response to a company that threatens litigation against ASHI members who use infrared devices for inspections, ASHI has joined the leading anti-patent troll coalition in Washington, DC. ASHI is doing its part to help pass legislation that will inhibit patent trolls from successfully threatening ASHI members.
  • Some in Washington, DC want to cut or eliminate the home mortgage interest deduction as part of a larger federal budget package. ASHI has asked its allies on Capitol Hill to protect the home mortgage interest deduction as a crucial revenue driver for ASHI members.
  • A large tax deal under consideration could raise taxes on smaller S corporations (like ASHI members) in exchange for reducing tax rates on large C corporations and multi-nationals. ASHI is strongly opposed to higher tax rates for S corporations and is telling allies on Capitol Hill to oppose this concept.

From lobbying the government to promote home inspection as federal policy…to defending your revenues and business model among policymakers…

ASHI seeks to defend, protect and expand your business as an ASHI home inspector. Your generous contributions to InspectPAC are used to support this action.

To make a donation:

Call: Virginia Baker 847.954.3177

Reinstate Your Membership

The official grace period to renew ended November 30.

If you did not renew in time, here’s your chance to reinstate your membership.

Renew now to enjoy all the benefits of belonging, including:

  • Listed on “Find an Inspector.”
  • Being associated with the only third-party recognized home inspector certifying body.
  • Eligible for free online Smart Track and other educational opportunities.
  • 12 issues of the ASHI Reporter, online and in print.
  • Professional representation in Washington D.C.
  • Sample Contracts for your inspections
  • Real Estate presentations.
  • Marketing Templates through Constant Contact.
  • Free study guide for the National Home Inspection Exam.
  • Special members only programs, and more

If you have questions, contact Russell K. Daniels:

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