InspectionWorld Info Online Now
Have you registered for InspectionWorld? If yes, then we can’t wait to see you in January! If no, just one question…why not?
Maybe you need more information about the conference before you move forward with your registration. If that’s the case, here’s what you need to do:
Go to your computer.
Have a seat and make yourself comfortable (you may be there for a while – there’s a LOT of information to peruse!)
Type in
Start clicking. Everything you need to know about InspectionWorld is now at your fingertips.
Do you want to know who’s teaching the plumbing course this year? The answer is there. Not sure what the weather is like in Austin in January? The answer is there. Need to know what flavor Danish will be available at 7:30 a.m. on day two of the conference? The answer is there. (Well, not really, but you will find out what time your complimentary continental breakfast will be served each day.)
What’s new at
The InspectionWorld Web site has seven easy-to-navigate sections: Education, Exhibition, Networking Events, General Info, Registration, Hotel/Travel and For Exhibitors.
Under Education, you will find a complete schedule of educational sessions for all four tracks: Back to Basics, Commercial and Special Topics, Advanced Technical, and Business Development and Service. Additionally, you’ll be able to review speaker bios and map out your on-site education plan by checking out the easy-to-read schedule grid. Also, under Education, you’ll get the lowdown on the Opening General Session, as well as insight as to what Roundtable Sessions will be held in Austin.
Interested in making some business purchases while at the show? Then you’d be wise to check out the Exhibition pages. Complete listings of all InspectionWorld exhibitors are there, along with an exhibit hall floor plan and the hours that the hall will be open.
Since all work and no play makes for a dull inspector, take a look at the social and Networking Events offered at InspectionWorld! This is where you’ll find details regarding the Opening Night Exhibit Hall Reception, the All-Show Destination Luncheon and the President’s Gala (all of which are included in your registration fee). You’ll also be able to take a look at the newly expanded Spouse Program and get info about what other events are complimentary with your registration fee.
Just need some dates and times? Check out the General Info section for a complete schedule of InspectionWorld events!
How to register
By this point, you should be ready to register, but how exactly do you do that? Click on the Registration link and you’ll be able to register on line, print out a registration form and fax it in, or call registration headquarters to register via phone. Whatever your preference, all the info is there. This year, you’ll even be able to make your hotel reservations on the same form as your conference registration!
The above statement makes for a smooth segue to the next section of the Web site. Hotel/Travel will give you all the information you need about Austin, Texas, and – more specifically – the Hilton Austin, which is this year’s host hotel.
So that’s it…everything you need to know about InspectionWorld all in one spot… Of course, if you really need to know that Danish flavor, just give me a call. I’m sure I’ll be able to find that out for you.
See you in Austin!
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