InspectionWorld Attendance
696 ASHI Members/Candidates…65 non-member inspectors…balance = exhibitors, spouses, speakers, guests
To the editor:
Question: Where did all the home inspectors go in January?
Unfortunately, the answer is: Not to Fort Lauderdale InspectionWorld2006. When Rob Paterkiewicz, our executive director, announced at the annual ASHI business meeting that attendance exceeded 1,200 people this year, that was an all-inclusive number, counting wives, affiliates and others who registered. The actual number of ASHI Members and Candidates who attended was only about 696, roughly 10 percent of ASHI home inspectors.
Last year was a difficult year for many home inspectors. In our region, the number of inspections decreased as the real estate market zoomed ahead, leaving many a buyer unable to have a home inspection. Numerous home inspectors in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area told me they simply could not afford to attend InspectionWorld 2006.
At the MAC-ASHI dinner meeting in December 2005, I asked our members what they want their business to look like in five or 10 years, and how did they plan to move from here to there?
I suggested that the answer could be found at InspectionWorld. Over the last six years of attendance, I discovered marketing and public relations strategies, business development ideas, ways to better manage client liability, and how to develop a successful multi-inspector firm. This is also not to mention the networking opportunities and the numerous professional courses I attended, which improved my knowledge base as a home inspector and, of course, the great gadgets and tools that are available each year.
Ten percent of our membership attending our national conference is too low. This year will be economically better, so no excuses in 2007. Start this month to put away a few bucks toward the cost of traveling to California for InspectionWorld 2007.
I further propose that every chapter adopt a goal of having 25 percent of
its members attend. Attend once and you will appreciate how valuable InspectionWorld is to your inspection career and financial success.
Alban Home Inspection
Bethesda, Md.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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