InspectionWorld Albuquerque Recap

by Angela Orlando April 1, 2004


Based upon the positive feedback coming in to ASHI headquarters over the past few months, it appears that InspectionWorld 2004 was a major success! With the final attendee count coming in at 1,415, this one of the largest attendance for the long-running event, which took place January 15-18 at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albuquerque, N.M.

This year’s conference and trade show had all the elements for which InspectionWorld has become famous —a great education program, entertaining social events, recognition of outstanding members, and the op-portunity for attendees to network with friends and business associates.

DSC_1307crowd.gif The education program offered 48 sessions spanning four different tracks — Candidate, Advanced Technical, Commercial and Special Topics, and Business. In addition to the industry-relevant sessions, the conference featured renowned speaker Tom Connellan, shared his insights on customer service with over 1,000 attendees on the conference’s opening day.

InspectionWorld 2004 also was the setting for the launch of The ASHI Experience. With a Town Hall session on Friday afternoon, followed by multiple ASHI Experience breakout sessions, attendees were able to get first-hand information on this exciting new ASHI venture direct from the key players .

DSC_1892GAO.gif “From a leadership point of view, ASHI achieved a great success in accomplishing a great launch of The ASHI Experience, as well as great success with the programs and projects the Board of Directors has been bringing forward,” said Immediate Past President Richard Matzen. “Albuquerque InspectionWorld was a great start on our future, and it marked a time of great promise for the profession.”

The sessions enriched attendees during the day, and at night they were treated to social events focused on networking and fun. On Thursday, January 15, attendees “Got Their Kicks on Route 66” during the open-ing night reception in the exhibit hall. With food and beverage to keep their energy and spirits up, conversations with the exhibitors were lively, and plenty of business was done – much to the exhibitor’s delight – during the three-hour reception.

DSC_1101peering.gif The trade show itself, which grew by 17 percent from last year, featured 69 companies. Exhibitors represented companies that offer a mix of products and services such as tools, software, laboratory services, insurance programs and answering/scheduling services. Show attendees took time between educational sessions to visit the exhibitors and do plenty of business on the crowded show floor.

Saturday, January 17th, was the date for the elegant President’s Gala, where a good time was had by all. “I had a great time,” said ASHI President Steve Gladstone. “The facilities were top notch and the Gala was just so much fun. The band was the best entertainment we’ve had in years!” With ample food and beverage on hand, and the lively musical entertainment of the Pink Flamingos, the buffet lines AND the dance floor were busy all night! A special thank you goes out to Pro-Lab, who so generously sponsored this event, as well as our other premium sponsors, Dearborn Home Inspection, HomeGauge, and Inspection Training Associates.

To sum it all up, the annual convention was an educational and social success on all counts. InspectionWorld 2005 will be held January 13-15 at the Hilton Austin in Austin, Texas. More information on the conference will be coming soon.
By the way, if you are looking to relive some of the memories of InspectionWorld 2004, check out, where you can view – and order – photos from the conference.

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