Increasing the Value of Membership
Last month, I talked about using the new ASHI Web site to increase your exposure to prospective clients and increase your business. I also recommended you get your e-mail address to Headquarters so we can
communicate with you electronically. This is particularly useful when an urgent legislative issue comes up in your state. We have the ability to work with the members in a state to promote or fight legislation depending on the desires of our members.
In addition to legislative issues, we are working to increase our communications with you electronically. To receive e-mails from ASHI headquarters, be sure to add our e-mail address to your address book. It is This will prevent our messages from being blocked by your spam blocker and will assure you get the most recent ASHI alerts and information.
Assuming we have your current e-mail address, you should have, by now, received two issues of our new electronic newsletter, The Inspector. I hope you find the information interesting and of value. There are actually two editions of The Inspector. One is for ASHI members with logo use; the other is for Candidates who have not yet acheived logo use. Some news appears in both, but overall each focuses on information of interest to its readers; for instance, ASHI’s Report Verifiers regularly contribute to e-news for Candidates.
Adding two editions of ASHI e-news is another step we’ve taken to increase the value of your membership as a Candidate or Member. Assisting our membership with legislative goals is something we’ve been doing for some time, although many members haven’t been aware of it.
ASHI continues to strive to find even more ways to increase the value of membership. Currently, two of our committees are working hard on a project we believe will have a big impact on you if you are a Candidate member. While I can’t give out specifics yet, it involves helping you get to full member status more quickly without lowering the standards we all feel are so important. More support, more training and more assistance from Headquarters and your local chapter. Stay tuned!
In addition, Randall Pence, ASHI’s federal lobbyist, is working hard on our behalf with other association lobbyists to promote Association Healthcare Plan (AHP) legislation in Washington, D.C. This would permit small businesses to band together and participate in group health care coverage at discounted rates, something our members have been requesting for a long time. AHP has strong support through the National Association of Realtors® (NAR), the Appraisal Institute (AI) and many other associations. I’m sure you know, health care in America is terribly expensive. I have a friend in the business who pays $15,0000 a year for medical insurance to cover himself and his family. AHP approval by Congress would make a huge difference for many of our members.
Looking ahead, it’s not too soon to start planning to attend InspectionWorld next January in sunny Fort Lauderdale. It may be a hot summer where you’re at right now, but you know come January, you’ll be needing a little warmth! I was in Fort Lauderdale last year to preview the location and hotels, and I can tell you firsthand that it is a beautiful, tropical location with easy access to many waterfront attractions such as restaurants and bars. A water taxi shuttles you from one of three hotels to your location of choice via the intercostal waterway. The ride is delightful, and the entertainment, food, friendships and memories will last a lifetime. If you haven’t been to an InspectionWorld yet, you owe it to yourself to go. Once you go, you will make it a point to return every year in the future. It is, without exception, the largest conference for our profession in the world. The educational sessions are conducted by industry professionals and experts, and includes Candidate Tracks, Advanced Tracks, Commercial and Business sessions. And you’ll receive 20 Membership Renewal Credits for attending. Bring the family and make a holiday of it. Register soon and book your room in the conference hotel to be close to the exhibit hall,
educational sessions and where the “action” is! Check out more about InspectionWorld and register online at Have a great July, and I’ll talk to you next month.
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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Professional Networking
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