Immerse Yourself in the IW Experience

by ASHI Staff December 1, 2018

At IW, you will hear from leaders in your field who have navigated many of the same challenges you do in your daily job. They have successfully overcome some of the obstacles you face and share how they did it. Conferences spark new insights into lingering questions and renew excitement about the work you do. The expo hall is a great place to network with business owners and decision makers. You will leave with renewed vigor for your business! 

Get the App!

Check out the events schedule, activities and sessions, and create your own schedule for each day. This useful tool is available to registrants prior to IW for downloading on a mobile device.

Make it your own – plan out and create your IW schedule on the app.

Get to Know InspectPAC
InspectPAC is ASHI’s federal political action committee (PAC). Established to allow ASHI members the ability to exercise their constitutional right and need to participate in the political process. InspectPAC does this work in a way that is controlled, and that allows for full disclosure and openness in the campaign finance process. With ASHI members’ contributions, InspectPAC focuses on and coordinates efforts to generate important political support for members of Congress who share ASHI’s views.

Some of the areas InspectPAC engages in are as follows:

  • Soliciting positive messages about home inspection from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Increasing homeownership
  • Ensuring consumer protection
  • Ensuring protection for small businesses
  • Continuing the prohibition of banks in real estate
  • Keeping up with Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) reform

Support InspectPAC at IW!

Join Us for a Fundraising Reception onSunday, January 20, 7:30 pm

Plan now to attend the InspectPAC reception during InspectionWorld® SanDiego. Enjoy a cocktail reception and entertainment in a lounge atmosphere – InspectPAC puts the “fun” in fundraiser! Join us and contribute with others who believe in a strong home inspection profession.

Registration is now open


Questions? Contact Michele George,

To Read the Full Article

ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..

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