“I’ll Take Education for $500, Alex…”
The Answer…?” Plumbing 101, Foundation Defects, Alternative Energy Sources, Effective Report Writing…”
You know the Question, right? Of course you do! It’s… “What Educational Sessions are being presented at InspectionWorld 2005?”
Of course, you may have been thrown off a little by the answers, as anyone who knows anything about InspectionWorld, or who has, in fact, attended in the past knows that there are way more than four topics presented over the course of the three-day event! Why, the answers alone could fill up an entire Jeopardy Board!
InspectionWorld 2005 will host four different educational tracks comprised of over 25 unique topics, spanning almost 60 hours of conference programming. The four tracks, Back to Basics, Commercial & Special Topics, Advanced Technical, and Business Development & Service were developed to ensure that anyone attending InspectionWorld—regardless of level of experience or current education needs, could walk away with a wealth of knowledge to assist in the enhancement of their home inspection business.
This year, headquarters received a phenomenal number of proposals for educational sessions, and, by working with the Education Committee, was able to review and select the best programs to suit the educational needs of InspectionWorld attendees. Here’s a quick-peek at what will be waiting for you in Austin—track-by-track:
Back to Basics Track:
Plumbing 101, Air Conditioning Fundamentals, Diagnosing Cracks, Furnaces and Boilers, Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupters, Steep Roofs, Basic Electricity
Commercial and Special Topics Track:
Commercial Electrical, Alternative Energy Sources, Mapping the Older House, Building Envelope Workshop (full-day event)
Advanced Technical Track:
Engineered Lumber Frame Houses; Foundation Defects;, Fireplaces and Chimneys; Illegal Drug Lab Awareness; Drain Waste and Vent Plumbing; Decks; Balconies and Retaining Walls; Pre-Drywall Inspections
Business Development and Service Track:
Basic Business/Marketing Growth Strategies, Growing your Business the Easy Way, Real Estate Trends and Home Inspections, Making Support Staff Pay, Effective Report Writing, Effective and Free Marketing
There’s more
Educational programming will run throughout the conference. Complete details, including course synopsis and instructor bios, will be available shortly at www.inspectionworld.org.
In addition to the education presented in the classroom, attendees can also learn a lot in a different environment – the exhibit hall!
Looking for a new report software? Want to know what’s going on in the world of radon? Need to purchase some new equipment? Well, no need to do extensive internet and telephone research. At InspectionWorld, you can find all your answers and solutions in one place – our 30,000-square-foot Exhibit Hall. With over 60 exhibitors filling close to 120 booths, you will have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with the industry’s top vendors during this year’s enhanced Exhibit Hall hours. Plus, with a variety of new meal functions taking place right in the exhibit hall, there is nowhere else you will need to be during the Conference’s non-classroom hours.
As you can see, InspectionWorld is the place to be for Education in 2005, so to wrap it up, let’s play one more round of Jeopardy:…
The Answer…? “After attending InspectionWorld in Austin, YES!!!”
The Question…? “Are You Experienced?”
InspectionWorld 2005…”Are You Experienced?” will be held January 13-15, 2005, at the Hilton Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas. To register, make hotel reservations, or simply to receive more information, visit www.inspectionworld.org
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ASHI offers its members unparalleled resources to advance their careers. ASHI offers training for inspectors at all levels of knowledge and experience, including resources about all major home systems. Members benefit from a vast network of experienced professionals, providing a community for mentorship and knowledge sharing..
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