ICC Green Construction Code and EPA Lead Regulations

ICC Posts Green Construction Code

In March, the International Code Council posted a free, downloadable version of its new International Green Construction Code (IGCC) Public Version 1.0 on its Web site, made possible with the help of its cooperating sponsors, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and ASTM International.

Also posted is a read-only version of ANSI/ASHRAE/USGBC/IES Standard 189.1, now offered as an alternative jurisdictional requirement within the IGCC.

According to ICC, this is the first-ever code to address regulation of green construction, providing a baseline that integrates with the I-Codes and addresses building performance along with resource conservation, construction and operations impacts, and water and air quality issues.

One version of the IGCC is in Word format to allow participation in the public comment period, which runs through May 15 and will result in August hearings. The PDF version of the IGCC Version 1.0 is offered as an immediately usable resource tool for jurisdictions amending existing codes or writing green codes in the immediate time frame.

New U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations for Lead-Safe Practices in Renovations

Malta, NY, March 19, 2010 – New EPA regulations for the safe handling of lead-based paints went into effect on April 22, 2010. The regulations are intended to prevent lead poisoning. Under the ruling, contractors working in houses, schools and child care facilities built before 1978 must be certified prior to performing any work that disturbs lead-based paint in homes, which includes painting, repair and renovation. Read details of the regulation at Electronic Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40: Protection of the Environment.

Key provisions of the regulation include:

• Renovations must be performed by EPA-certified firms using certified renovators.

• Contractors must provide the Renovate Right pamphlet to occupants or facility operators prior to any renovation work.

• Contractors must follow specific lead-safe work practices to prevent lead contamination and reduce potential exposure to lead. Exposure to lead can result in health issues for adults and children, but is of particular concern for children under six years old.

To minimize exposure during renovations, even before being certified, contractors must:
• Contain the work area
• Minimize dust
• Clean up thoroughly

Review the EPA brochure, “Lead Safety During Renovation,” to learn about lead-safe work practices and see the articles about renovation, repair and painting. Detailed information for lead abatement professionals also is available.

There is a wealth of information about lead safety on the EPA Web site, www.epa.gov, and accredited training programs are available in many states throughout the U.S.

To find accredited training programs in your state or region, visit www.bpi.org.

Source: Building Performance Institute, Inc., www.bpi.org, www.laddersafety.org.

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