HUD PIH-REAC Offers Business Opportunities to Inspectors
The Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD), Office of Public and Indian Housing, Real Estate Assessment Center (REAC), is seeking experienced inspectors to inspect approximately 20,000 HUD-assisted properties nationwide. The inspections assist in determining whether the housing qualifies as decent, safe, sanitary housing, and that the housing is in good repair.
The REAC has developed a “Reverse Auction Program” (RAP) to procure these inspections using HUD’s Uniform Physical Condition Standards (UPCS). The RAP is a process of securing inspection services for HUD-assisted housing using a reverse auction Web site provided by an independent vendor. Briefly, RAP consists of the following:
- Contractors bid on property inspections throughout the nation (including Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam);
- Purchase order awards are made to the lowest, eligible contractor at the close of the auction;
- Contractors then schedule and conduct the inspection in accordance with the UPCS protocol;
- Upon acceptance of each inspection, HUD will make payment electronically to the inspector’s/firm’s bank account using the Government-wide Purchase Card.
- The inspection program is a state-of-the-art paperless process. HUD provides free training on the UPCS inspection protocol and inspection software to qualified applicants.
To learn more about the Reverse Auction Program, click here. To learn how to qualify and be trained to be-come a UPCS Inspector, click here.
Program questions may be sent via e-mail to
“New Cal-Shake” settlement administrator seeks potential class members
There is a proposed settlement involving Cal-Shake, Inc. (“New Cal-Shake”) in the Superior Court of California, Contra Costa County. Cal-Shake, Inc. shakes are a fiber cement roofing product made to look like wood shakes or slate tiles. Plaintiffs claim the Cal-Shakes are defective and cause damage. A $61.42 million settlement has been proposed involving individuals who own or owned property on which Cal Shake. Inc.’s shakes manufactured between February 1, 1986, and March 31, 1995, are, or have been, installed.
A court-approved notification program was launched in mid-August to alert possible Class Members of their rights under the Proposed Settlement.
Complete information, including product identification instructions and important dates, can be obtained at or by calling 866-844-0600. Potential Class Members can also register to receive additional information and claim forms as they become available.
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