Hope and Confidence

by James Thomas May 1, 2020

As we enter this month of May, ASHI President Mike Wagner and I have been asked to contribute an uplifting message even as we try our best to navigate our way through uncharted territory, where our journey in the time of a global pandemic has taken us.

We are in the midst of very uncertain times and rapidly changing guidelines and recommendations, from the government at all levels to scientific organizations. Because the ASHI Reporter is a physically printed publication, the timelines for this magazine are remarkably different from the thoughts and ideas posted instantaneously in social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. In a way, this more traditional timeline is comforting as it seems that some things are rapidly changing like no other time in our lives, but some things continue on in the same way they have for generations.

At the time I write this message, the month of March has not yet passed, and yet we are planning to produce this Reporter that is currently in your hands. This is what we do at ASHI: We prepare for the uncertain with the shifting information at hand, but we continue to focus on the future and the hope that it brings. As business as usual is being redefined in an unprecedented way, ASHI focuses on what the future can hold and takes steps to prepare for a new reality on the horizon. 

People say that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. However, I believe that one other thing can be added to this list: resiliency. Though it’s often forgotten, the resiliency of us as a people is also certain. ASHI is made up of all of us—members, volunteers and staff. Our resiliency and hope give ASHI the strength to sustain itself during these challenging times.

ASHI is approaching its 45th anniversary. Throughout its nearly 45 years, ASHI has weathered numerous and diverse disruptions, including attacks on the profession, wars, recessions and shifting demographics. 

With every event, ASHI has persevered and continued to be a beacon for professionalism and fortitude. Based on this pattern, and knowing that the people who make up ASHI are ready and willing to do what is necessary, I am assured that we will rise to this challenge and overcome it.

By understanding that we will get through this together, every one of us can grasp onto this hope with the firm understanding that the future will be brighter. Make no mistake, this is creating a shift in almost every area of our lives and it will probably not be the last time this happens. 

We are choosing to use this as an opportunity to refine systems, focus on what matters and prepare for initiatives to ensure that we continue to serve each other, our families and our communities. 

We will get through this, and your communities will need you more than ever to not only continue to impact your clients and provide unparalleled service, but also to be beacons of hope and forces of positivity to help our nations persevere in these difficult times. 

I’m confident in ASHI because each and every one of you instills in me the hope and confidence that is needed to face whatever tomorrow may bring.


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