Home Inspectors Can Pursue CLIPP Certification in Home Accessibility and Safety
In October 2015, the Living In Place InstituteTM announced the successful completion of the inaugural Certified Living In Place ProfessionalTM (CLIPPTM) class.
This class, approved for continuing education by ASHI and selected other organizations, provides professionals in housing and related industries with an international certification for home accessibility and safety, leading to recommending design and construction ideas that far exceed current industry practices.
The first graduates of CLIPP included respected professionals from several different industries, including home inspection, new home building, real estate, interior design, medical and renovation.
ASHI member Ed Novik, who is president of Accurate
Inspection Services, was one of these first graduates.
“It was an honor and pleasure to welcome some of the most respected thought leaders in the housing industry to our first of many national CLIPP classes,” said Louie Delaware, who cofounded the Living In Place Institute with Erik Listou. “Like many housing industry professionals, these individuals share a concern for home accessibility and safety. The home inspection, housing, real estate, insurance and medical industries are all striving to provide and ensure the safest and most accessible living conditions possible, as most homes were built without proper attention to the many accessibility and safety risks that increase home accidents. Once certified, only CLIPP-trained professionals have access to the electronic Home Accessibility and Safety Assessment Checklist (HASAC), allowing them to thoroughly and quickly identify, report and
recommend home modifications that improve independence and dignity for all home occupants, regardless of their age or needs. We’re looking forward to welcoming many professionals to our classes in the months and years ahead.”
At ASHI’s InspectionWorld® San Diego, Louie Delaware and Erik Listou will speak (Tuesday, January 26) and the Living In Place Institute will have a booth.
The Living In Place Institute exceeds any other level of home accessibility and safety certification in providing professionals with education and valuable resources to increase their clients’ independence and dignity through determining accessibility and safety issues, and recommending solutions via a standardized approach that utilizes state-of-the-art technologies. Those who become Certified Living In Place Professionals expand their professional networks through partnering with CLIPP design, construction, medical and all housing-related professionals, while expanding their own businesses through their increased knowledge of
accessibility and safety.
For more information on upcoming CLIPP classes, visit
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