Home Inspection Business Operations Study, 2002 Edition

by Edited by ASHI Staff December 1, 2002

Profiling those who responded to the 2002 business operations survey results in a “Mr. Average” who works full time at his profession, is older than 42 years of age, has been in the home inspection business more than five years but less than 11, and is from either the Northern or South Atlantic regions of the country.

An independent sole inspector, he has changed little from what he was doing during previous studies in terms of ancillary tests and services as he completes his 200 to 300 inspections each year. On the other hand, he had some new things to consider regarding where he delivers his report and whether or not he uses a digital camera. And yes, he is male.

The “Home Inspections Business Operations Study, 2002 edition,” developed from the survey, provides insight into common current practices – draws a picture of “Mr. Average.”  The Study also presents the full range of responses in terms of fees, gross revenue, purchase of insurance coverage and numerous other business practices, allowing for a more balanced perception than with averages alone. What’s more the opportunity to compare current results with two previous studies gives rise to informed speculation about the future of the profession.

For those who are curious about the home inspection business, the Study is a must read.

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